History 65


March 9, 2006

I. Nixon and World Affairs

            1. Domestic Affairs (politics-first strategy: feminism/environmentalism, domestic spending; civil rights and “strict constructionists”)


            2. Grand Strategy (US/Soviet/PRC triangle; continuing Cold War in Chile, Philippines?; Vietnam, “secret plan,” Americanization, and “peace with honor”)


            3. Confronting Congress (nature of congressional power—subcommittees, appropriations, framing public opinion; Symington Subcommittee and investigation of US commitments, role of Symington in ABM fight, transformation of congressional attitude toward military affairs; Cambodia and Cooper-Church, constitutional crisis?, McGovern-Hatfield and end-the-war amendment)


II. Nixon and the Constitution

            1. The Political Culture of Richard Nixon (conception of politics; dirty tricks legacy; merging of commander-in-chief clause and domestic authority—Kent State, Huston Plan; Pentagon Papers case; Nixon reaction; extension into politics)


2. The Origins of Watergate (memories of 1960 and origins of cover-up—CREEP and bugging of DNC headquarters; arrest and Nixon attempts to obstruct justice—role of CIA, Pat Gray and leaderless FBI; Watergate in 1972 campaign—McGovern attacks, disputes at Post, Patman inquiry, Nixon victory)


3. The Cover-up Unravels (four-pronged assault on Nixon: press—role of Woodward/Bernstein and eventually Post; lower-level judiciary: importance of Sirica; Senate—Sam Ervin and country lawyering; special prosecutor—Cox’s agenda; Nixon response: invocation of executive privilege)


4. The Fall of Nixon (erratic administration response: Dean, Haldeman, Erlichman dismissed; Agnew resignation; evading subpoenas; Saturday Night Massacre; 18˝ minute gap; House Judiciary Committee and impeachment hearings; US v Nixon and Nixon’s resignation)


The midterm will include 10 of the deviously designed IDs below; you will have to identify and explain the significance of 7 of those 10.

NSC 162/2

Jury trial amendment

Thurgood Marshall


Henry Cabot Lodge

Eugene McCarthy

Wayne Morse

John Foster Dulles

Daisy ad

Rights-related liberalism

Johns Hopkins address

Maxwell Taylor

Swann decision

Cooper-Church amendment

James Meredith

Bobby Baker

Massive retaliation

Edmund Muskie

Alliance for Progress

Ernest Gruening

40 Committee

Southern Strategy


House Rules Committee

William Westmoreland

Archibald Cox


NSAM 263

Loving v. Virginia

James Eastland

Bricker amendment

Tonkin Gulf resolution

Bull Connor

Dominican coup

Miranda v. Arizona

Green Berets

Salvador Allende

Ross Barnett

Stuart Symington