History 65
The CIA and American Democracy
Supplementary Assignments

Each member of the class will be responsible for one supplementary assignment. These will be oral presentations in teams of four; the presentation should last for 30 minutes. The work for each assignment is available below; you should do only the topic for which you signed up.

February 20--Ryan, Felix

background: the spy wars
  reading: group 1--Albright, Bombshell; group 2--Venona documents, in two parts

February 25--Bobby, Gary, Mike, Thomas

general debate: should Executive Order 11905, banning assassination of foreign leaders, be revoked?
  background material and current debate

April 8--Asma, Dan, John

general debate: did the congressional restrictions fundamentally alter American intelligence--or just the CIA?
  reading: group 1--Bamford, Body of Secrets; group 2--NSA documents

April 15--Sam, Christine, Kilolo, Michael

general debate: was William Casey's penchant for covert activities justified?
  background reading (Veil) and documents (Afghanistan and mujahadeen, 1980s)

May 6--Andres, Mirlande, Richie, Sophia

general debate: should the Ames affair change the historical legacy of James Jesus Angleton?
  background reading and documents

May 13--Bella, Dorota, Isaac, Jason

general debate: in light of the recent Afghan war, did the US Army draw the correct lessons from the Soviet intervention in Afghanistan?
  US Army report

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