Reading Notes/Questions for Linda Przybyszewski's
The Republic According to John Marshall Harlan
* Q: Why is it the author's position
that writing a biography, in this case of a judge, simply based on his legal
opinions, not good enough if we are to understand the inner feelings of the
person? ... As students of history, why is this something we need keep in mind?
... In Przybiszewski's experience writing this book, what validates her
* Q: How does her concept challenge the
numerous biographies published that only extol the virtues of jurists who are
viewed/characterized by their biographers as "great men"?
* When writing about how some
historians use primary sources that are neglected by others, she cites what one
person, J. Woodward Howard, Jr., who, at a 1990s symposium on judicial
biography, said that a writer/biographer did not have to destroy or mischaracterize
the subject of the biography. Instead, "rather than contend over the superiority
of competing styles of research, the wise course is to strengthen each mode,
giving due regard for what others provide, and thereby enhance the whole." (p.
9). Q: Why might this be the proper thing to do when writing a biography?
* The author writes that John Marshall
Harlan went further further than any other Supreme Court justice in extending
civil rights to blacks, yet he, at one point, refused to support "inter-racial
social intimacy that might result in the blurring of racial reality." (p. 14).
He believed that states had the authority to punish those people who had
intermarried - - - he had supported anti-miscegenation laws. Q: How might this
make people seriously doubt his sincerity, especially since he wrote the
dissenting opinion in Plessy v. Ferguson, saying that "our Constitution
is color blind"?
* Q: How might Lincoln's
Emancipation Proclamation have influenced Harlan's feelings towards blacks
especially after this declaration was announced?... Remember that he insisted
that the only reason he had resigned his commission as a Union army officer at
that time was to tend to his deceased father's law practice. Also, his family
did not own very many slaves, which was the norm in his native Kentucky.
* Q: What political conversion did
Harlan undergo during the Reconstruction period and what had been happening in
the American South that may have brought about that conversion?
* The author is critical of those
historians and biographers who ignored or who have said very little of Harlan's
law school lectures that were given during a period in which the American legal
education and the profession itself were undergoing change. Q: Why does she feel
that these lectures should have been examined, analyzed and explained by those
who wrote about the life of Justice Harlan? Q: What did his lectures take into
account and why do they do much to help us understand this "great" man? Q: Does
Przybyszewski's use of his lectures help her prove her point that by carefully
examining his words we are able to gain greater insight into who he was and why
stood for egalitarianism?
* Q: Can we assume that Harlan's
religious beliefs helped influence how he ruled in certain important cases that
made their way to the Supreme Court? Remember that his lectures were filled with
references to Christianity and the impact it was having on America's future and
the direction it was taking as a world leader, and how it served as a light that
helped the country "guide the oppressed of all the lands in the struggle for
freedom." (p. 71). Q: What was happening in the U.S. domestically during the
period that he was saying these things? Again, the author is critical of
those historians who have said very little in their writings about his religious
beliefs and how they played a role in his legal opinions. Q: Why?
* Q: Did the author, through the use of
Harlan's wife's memoirs and his 1897 - 1898 lectures, succeed in helping us gain
greater insight to the man? She admits that there was very little available in
terms of the family's own ante-bellum papers and records that shed light about
the young Harlan and the things he may have experienced that may have shaped his
* Q: What social, political, economic
and legal problems arose, both domestically and internationally, as a result of
America's acquisition of Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Philippines after its victory
against Spain in the Spanish-American War, and how were these issues handled by
the Congress and the federal judiciary?
* Q: What positions did Harlan take in
the Insular Cases, as these federal court proceedings that went before
the Supreme Court were called, and what role did Harlan's Christian faith have
on these decisions? Q: What did he say regarding the granting of some form of
civil rights to the peoples of these unincorporated territories, and how did the
Supreme Court's ultimately rule on these matters?
* Explain Harlan's position regarding
anti-trust matters and the issues of the individual state's possession of power
("police powers", the author called them) to regulate health, safety and morals.
Q: What role did he play in the period known as the Lochner Era in which
a state law establishing labor codes, such as working hours and the work week,
was struck down by the Supreme Court? Q: How did he feel about matters
regarding interstate commerce?
* Explain the concept or term the
author refers to as "the triumph of nationalism over the forces of localism" and
Harlan's position on it.
* Q: Why was Harlan so adamant when it
came to the right of the American citizenry to a jury trial? and
Q: How did he feel about "plain people"
"having their day in court"?
* Despite his apparent support of civil
liberty issues brought before the Court, Harlan, a "legal formalist", believed
that there were certain rules for interpretation of laws and the Constitution
enshrined certain individual liberties and rights that "no government may
violate." (p. 167 - 169). Q: How did that influence his attitude toward private
corporations and companies and their contractual relationships with labor...
un-organized and organized?
* During the Gilded Age, lawyers,
writes Przbyszewski, were viewed by some segments of American society as "tools
of the financial and industrial tycoons who amassed absurd amounts of wealth
while many people suffered poverty." (p. 173). Q: What was Harlan's view in
many of his public discourses regarding the role of lawyers in American society?
* Q: And finally, how was Justice
Harlan's dissenting opinion in Plessy v. Ferguson "an appeal to the
conscience of the future"? Throughout the book, the author cites some of the
inconsistencies in his public expressions and written opinions. Q: Why might
some characterize him as a "middle-of-the-road" judge? Q: Is there any validity
to that suggestion, or did he help pave the way for greater freedoms and
liberties for the Nation's future?