Yaffa Hilsenrath

Stuby Questions

Piero Gleijeses

November 10, 2006


1) What was it about Cuba’s relationship with the U.S. that had Castro sayina “The Americans are going to pay dearly…that will be my true destiny.”?


2) What problems escalated in African/U.S. relations because of the intense racial discrimination in the U.S. during the 1960’s?


3) What was Cuba’s relationship with the MPLA in the Congo, and to whose advantage/disadvantage was that relationship?


4) What role did Cuban Volunteers play in Guinea-Bissau in the later half of the 1960’s?<)span>


5) What advantages did the MPLA have over the FNLA and visa versa?  Which aspect was more beneficial towards winning the war?


6) How did the collapse of the Portuguese dictatorship affect the stability of South Africa?


7) What was it that happened in 1975 that had Kissinger saying about Castro “[he] was probably the most genuine revolutionary leader then in power.”?

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8) When Gleijeses says “that the Africans were disappointed did not matter, however, as long as the continent was safe from the Communist threat”, what does this say about the U.S. foreign policy of the time?


9) Why did Gleijeses in writing this book have to rely heavily on U.S. documents more than Cuban or Soviet Union documents?


10) What happened in Cuba that they finally allowed access to so many documents that until that point were under heavy security?


1) Was Cuba just a puppet for the Soviet Union's actions in Africa or were they pursuing their own interests?

2) Why did Fidel Castro view Africa as a crucial  battleground to  combat "capitalist imperialism"?

3) What does Gleijeses say were Cuba's intentions in Africa and does he prove his point in regards to Cuba's intentions in Africa?

4) What role does corruption play in the Angolan crisis?

5) How does this book portray Fidel Castro?

6) What were the differences in foreign policy between the United States and the Soviet Union in regards to Africa?