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reading notes--Gleijeses assignment (again, my references are to the page #s
at the TOP of the page.)
- p. 482--PP beginning "geography created
a sense of kinship . . ." is important. Do Liss and Gleijeses really
feel view the issue of geographical proximity differently?
- pp. 483-484--Gleijeses on trade. Again, he
seems to be describing many of the same types of things featured in Liss.
Why the different interpretation?
- pp. 484-489--good summary of extent and limitations of US involvement in
the Spanish-American Wars of Independence. Not too much interpretive here,
- p. 489--Bolivar's attitude is important--but
it also was shifting. As Liss points out in a chapter of her book that we
didn't read, Bolivar-liberated Colombia patterned its Declaration of
Independence on that of the US, and the first Venezuelan constitution was
modeled on the US Constitution. Also, was there any reason for Bolivar to
look to Britain as a protector?
- p. 490--Stephen F. Austin quote very important--ant this is a theme we'll
be dealing with throughout the course. How significant are such
racist sentiments? By that, I mean (in this case) does Gleijeses demonstrate
that the racism played an important role in shaping policy?
- p. 493--extremely important page--link between Haiti and Cuba; a good
illustration of the considerable importance that Haiti would play in 19th
century US policy toward the Caribbean Basin.
- pp. 494-499--summary of congressional debate over Panama Congress; you can
skim this, but be sure to read the first
sentence of each PP closely. Again note the importance of Haiti.
- p. 501--here's a pretty concise summary of the basic Gleijeses argument.
- pp. 502-505 should be read closely--I'll be covering this ground more
closely, though, in class. Strategically, culturally, and economically, the
Haitian revolt was of enormous importance in WH international relations
before he US civil war.