"First Member of the Senate to Back
the President in '32"
Burton K. Wheeler
U. S. Senator, Montana
Chicago Forum, Mar. 10, 1937
I agree with my friend Landis that the Court has decided many cases contrary to his
wishes and contrary to my views. I am one of those who has almost universally agreed with
the minority views of the Court. Assuming that anything Mr. Landis says there is a wrong
way and a right way to correct those evils. The wrong way is to pack the Courtthe
right way is to amend the Constitution.
The President of the United States, speaking at the victory dinner on March 4, made
the startling statement that in his opinion a great national crisis existsa crisis
even more grave than that which confronted this country four years ago. The President
implied that he could not insure the continuance of democratic institutions for four more
years unless he was given the power to increase immediately the membership of the Supreme
Court of the United States by adding six new justices and make it subservient to his will.
Crisis, power, haste, and hate, was the text from which the President preached.
We may contrast President Roosevelt's demand for haste to pack the Supreme Court in
this crisis with the caution with which another President of the United States approached
a real crisis in this country. Abraham Lincoln, in his first inaugural address, 76 years
ago, on taking office, when the country was faced with dissolution, said:
"My countrymen, one and all, think calmly and well upon this whole subject.
Nothing valuable can be lost by taking time. If there be an object to hurry any of you in
hot haste to a step which you would never take deliberately, that object will be
frustrated by taking time; but no good object can be frustrated by it. ... Intelligence,
patriotism, Christianity, and a firm reliance on Him who has never yet forsaken this
favored land, are still competent to adjust in the best way all our present
It is in the spirit of this counsel, without hate or haste, that I address this
great gathering here tonight.
As you know, the President of the United States sent a message to the Congress on
February 5, l937, in which he proposed to reorganize the judiciary of the United States.
Attached to this message was a bill which contained the startling proposal to add six new
members to the Supreme Court of the United States. The administration then assigned as
reasons for this legislation that the Court was not properly considering many of the cases
which were presented to it for review; that it was behind in its work; and that the age of
the Justices impaired their effectiveness and it was further implied that their age caused
them to be out of steps with the liberal thought of the times.
It has been since demonstrated beyond question, that the age of the Justices had
nothing to do with the question of liberalism or reaction; that the Court was not
inefficient but correct in its work. Furthermore, the Solicitor General has approved of
its practice of disposing of cases presented to it for review.
The President, realizing the fallacy of these arguments, made a dramatic appeal
based upon what he contends to be a crisis fundamentally even more grave than that of four
years ago.
The picture of poverty, sweatshops, unemployment, long hours, back-breaking work,
child labor, ill health, inadequate housing, poor crops, drought, floods, the dust bowl,
agricultural surpluses, strikes, industrial confusion, disorders, one-third of the
population of the United States ill-housed, ill-clad, ill-nourished, was graphically
painted to the American people at the $100 a plate victory dinner in the Mayflower Hotel,
not by the enemies of the administration, but by the President of the United States
And all this, it is implied, was because of the Supreme Court, and because six men
are over 70 years of age. We are led to believe that this Court was the instrument which
had stricken down all of the legislation which the Democratic Party had enacted during the
last four years and which it might enact to relieve the situation in the future.
As I saw that dark picture unfold, I wondered what the President meant when I sat
with him but four short months ago on the platform from which he spoke in Denver and heard
him declare that the Government had "sought and found practical answers to the
problems of industry, agriculture, and mining." And I am wondering now what he meant
when he claimed for the Democratic Party the great gains achieved in reemployment, and
later in the campaign here in Chicago, when he gave an account of the past four years, and
rejoiced in the fact that busy factories were singing the song of industry; markets were
humming with bustling movement, and ships and trains were running full. Everywhere he
went, the President said he found a quickening of tempo, the people meeting problems with
new life and new hope.
Speaking at Hartford he reported that industrial pay rolls had nearly doubled since
the spring of 1933. At Worcester, he declared that in his swing around the country he had
found a nation more greatly prosperous, more definitely on the highway to complete
recovery than at any time in the past seven years. I traveled with him on his special
train from Washington, D. C., to Denver, Colo. and back to Chicago, at his request. I was
not one of the defeatists and lawyers then. I was against packing the Court then as I am
now. Then there was no picture of chaos, destitution, and despair placed before the
country. The theme song everywhere was "Happy days are here again."
What is it that took place between October of last year and February of this year
when the President made his startling proposal to pack the Supreme Court? Between October
and February, his own departments in Washington have been boasting that industrial
production advanced to new seven-year-high levels; that commodity prices have continued to
advance; that pay rolls were larger, and the national income was higher. The Agricultural
Department has boasted that farm prices have finally achieved the goal of parity between
agriculture and industry for the first time in eleven years. And when some Members of
Congress tried to secure increased amounts for the W. P. A., the administration blocked
such efforts, lowered the amount, and pointed to a reduction in relief rolls in doing so.
Did someone misinform the President and Congress then.
That the administration sincerely believes that this is a crisis calling for
precipitate and unthinking action on such a proposal cannot be maintained upon the record
which the administration itself has made in the campaign and in the past months. Nor can
it be maintained with candor and good faith that the present powers of the Congress and
the President, under the Constitution as it is interpreted by the present members of the
Supreme Court, are inadequate to continue to relieve those in need, to continue a farm
program or a flood control, irrigation and reclamation program, or to protect the consumer
against monopoly.
As for caring for the needs of the unemployed, as for caring for the needs of the
mothers, the drought-stricken farmers, or the flood victims, bad as the President pictures
the Supreme Court, it has neither vetoed nor obstructed laws to carry out these purposes.
And the suggestion which the administration makes that relief may be denied by the Supreme
Court is one which not even so-called defeatist lawyers will entertain. More has been
spent for the needs of the unemployed and the drought-stricken farmer than has ever been
spent in the history of any other nation in the world, and justly so. I was one of those
who insisted long before the administration came into power that the National Government
come to the rescue of the unemployed.
As for flood control and the conservation of waters for irrigation and reclamation
and our drought-stricken areas, it is not necessary that the interstate-commerce clause of
the Constitution be made conversant with the habits of the Ohio River or the "dust
bowl" by packing the Court as suggested by the President.
The Congress of the United States has always assumed, and the courts have always
upheld, the power of Congress over navigable streams and their tributaries. It is under
this power that the great-Boulder Dam was built, and Congress has appropriated millions of
dollars to deepen the channel of the Mississippi River for navigation and flood control.
To infer that the Supreme Court may have been responsible for the appalling disasters on
the Ohio is to present a ridiculous picture. If there be human responsibility for the
recent disasters from floods, it lies with this and preceding administrations for failing
to fully exercise the power which they already possess.
To force the Congress to action now, I feel our great President is unduly belittling
the accomplishments of his own administration during the past four years.
It ill befits this administration to say that there is doubtful power to protect the
consumer against monopoly.
Memories of his N. R. A., dictated in large measure by the United States Chamber of
Commerce, for the express purpose of permitting industry to get out from under the
provisions of the Sherman antitrust law and the Clayton Act, are too recent to be
forgotten. Housewives and farmers can testify as to what protection they got from
monopolistic prices under that act. Well can you thousands of small businessmen through
the country remember what it was to be at the mercy of the economic royalist who not only
drafted the codes but enforced them in their own self-interest. And many of you, I am
sure, are not unmindful of the favoritism, the petty graft, and the corruption that was
rampant in the activities of the code authorities.
The Court unanimously declared the N. R. A. to be unconstitutionalnot because
Congress lacked the power to regulate monopoly, but because the Court found that Congress
had no right to delegate its legislative powers to private individuals to be exercised for
their own selfish purposes. Few are the people in the United States who would disagree
with the Supreme Court decision in that case.
As to the power of Congress to cope with the farm problem, it should be recalled
that it was a former President of the United States that vetoed the McNary-Haugen bill.
Both the theory and the practice under the A. A. A. of curtailing the production of food
products and killing little pigs when one-third of the Nation was "ill-clad,
ill-housed, and ill-nourished" as the President says, is not entirely free from
criticism or improvement. That the present prices of farm products have come about largely
because of the drought, no one can deny.
Let us be clear about it. I am not criticizing most of the legislation proposed by
the President of the United States during the last four years. I supported most of it and
led the fight for the holding-company bill.
When the President came into office, he faced a very difficult problem. It was
necessary to enact emergency legislation. Congress enacted it without much, if any,
consideration. Nor do I desire in any way to minimize the problems which confront us at
the present time. I am in complete accord with the President in his desire to secure
economic freedom for the wage earner, small businessman, and the farmer of this country.
Those objectives have a reality to me which only a lifetime of hardship, struggle, and
service can give. I was for them in 1920 and in 1924 at the sacrifice of party loyalty,
and, if necessary, I will do it again. Real liberals charter a course that may take them
outside party lines. I will be fighting for democracy with a small "d" when many
of the office-holding liberals of today will desert the New Deal ship for fat jobs with
economic royalists in the caves of Wall Street.
I am sure that the real liberals as distinguished from the office-holding liberals,
and the real farmers as distinguished from the office-holding farmers and the real
laborers as distinguished from the office-holding laborers do not want to see these
objectives frittered away in the heat of passion.
You and I, with a sense of individual responsibility, must face these problems of
unemployment, child labor, regulation of industrial disputes, wages and hours in industry,
cheaper electricity, and agricultural readjustment. If this country is to survive we must
solve these problems on a permanent basis.
I submit that the President's proposal leads us nowhere. It is neither a panacea of
reform nor can it be justified as a temporary expedient. It postpones, delays, and renders
their democratic solution more precarious. And those who sincerely believe in the
objectives for which the President professes belief, and who seize upon his proposal as a
method for the achievement of all those ends, are being forced into a sham battle in which
there can be no victory for liberal principles.
I ask those people, What assurance can the laborer or the farmer have that his
problem will be solved? Six new members appointed to the Court are still members of a
court which, as the President says, now has the ultimate control over the economic and
political destinies of this country. They are still judges unrestricted in the exercise of
their discretion as to whether or not Congress has the power to meet the needs of the
This proposal does not curb the usurpation of power over the political and economic
life of this country. There could still be eight to seven decisions. Let us face the facts
clearly and resolve the issue now.
What kind of judges could they be if they promised the President in advance that
they would do his will? They may be sworn to support, maintain, and defend the
Constitution, but if they are to carry out the President's wishes, or what seemed to be
the needs of the time, they must owe to him an obligation superior to their oath.
In an analogy one must go back to the demand of James I upon Lord Chief Justice Coke
that he decide cases in accordance with the King's dictates and for answer to Coke's
historic words, "The King ought not to be under a man, but he ought to be under God
and the law."
I was the first Member of the United States Senate to come out openly and espouse
the nomination of Mr. Roosevelt for the presidency in 1932. I traveled thousands of miles
over this country, speaking in his behalf in the presidential primaries. I was a delegate
to the Chicago convention and I was one of his ardent supporters, and I spoke in many
States after his nomination.
I supported him because I thought the liberal cause at that time could be best
served by his election. Other liberals, such as Johnson of California, Norris of Nebraska,
and the late Senator Cutting of New Mexico, and many others, Democrats, Republicans, and
Farmer-Laborites alike, supported him in the election of 1932, and many of them supported
him in his last campaign. He had nothing we wanted; nothing we would take. Most of us
supported him, not because we thought that "happy days were here again," not
because we wanted something, but because we didn't want to turn the Government back to the
reactionary elements controlling the Republican Party at that time, and we are not going
to do it now. Now, when many of these same liberals, who agree with his aims, disagree to
his packing of the Court because we believe it is fundamentally unsound, undemocratic, and
reactionary in principle, the President says, "The tumult and the shouting have
broken forth anewand from substantially the same elements of opposition."
The same elements of opposition! Johnson of California, Norris of Nebraska, Nye and
Frazier of North Dakota, Borah of Idaho, Van Nuys of Indiana, Walsh of Massachusetts,
Clark of Missouri, Donahey of Ohio, and that vast host of southern Democrats who have
supported the President whole-heartedly. We are classed as "the same elements of
opposition" as opposed him in the last campaign. The people of this country will not
believe, as the President suggests, that these men are insincere in their desire to
improve social and economic conditions in this country. The people will believe, in my
opinion, that the President has made a false start and taken a most dangerous method of
righting the wrongs that may exist. They will question that the end justifies such means.
Can these men be dismissed as "defeatist lawyers"? And what of the equally
sincere and courageous group in the House who have been compelled to voice their dissent?
They were loyal and splendid Democrats in the President's eye five weeks ago. Are they
unworthy of confidence now?
And let us take a look at the press of the country. The most liberal group of papers
in the whole length and breadth of the land is the Scripps-Howard chain. They have been
the great bulwark of the President's support. Even against their own judgment in specific
instances, they have followed his leadership. But now they refuse to go on this present
course. Can they be classified as "creatures of entrenched greed"? The New York
Times has been an accepted Presidential spokesman on more occasions than one. Is it to be
condemned because it parts company with him on this issue now?
And what of such liberal journals as the Cleveland Plain-Dealer, the Baltimore Sun,
the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, and the Omaha World-Herald. Now let us turn to the South. The
Times-Dispatch and the News-Leader of Richmond, the Charlotte Observer, the Columbia
State, the Charleston News and Courier, the Atlanta Constitution, the Miami Herald, the
Birmingham Age-Herald, the Montgomery Advertiser, the Little Rock Gazette, the New Orleans
Picayune, the Dallas News-these and a horde of other Democratic papers south of the
Mason-Dixon line are fighting for the preservation of the American system of government,
even though they are compelled to oppose a Democratic President.
The point of disagreement in this controversy isn't between those who want social
and economic reform and those who do not want it. It is on the method of getting reform
and whether that reform will be sham or of a real and permanent character. People who are
genuinely concerned about a true, democratic form of Government object to a change which
will make all three branches of the Government subservient to one man. I opposed that in
the Harding, Coolidge, and Hoover administrations and I am opposed to it now.
Let us examine what it is that the President says we cannot take time to do now.
Senator Bone of Washington and I have introduced a constitutional amendment
providing that in the event the Supreme Court declares a law of Congress unconstitutional
that after an election intervening, the Congress may repass that legislation and it will
become law notwithstanding the Court's decisionin other words, we desire to give the
people of this country a chance to have the final say, through their elected
representatives, as to what legislation they, in their wisdom, desire. There can be no
more democratic way than this. The people, not the President, not the courts, should have
the final say in matters which vitally affect their economic welfare.
The Constitution, I repeat, belongs, not to the President, not to the Congress, not
to the Court, but to the people. You and only you shall say when and how it shall be
Other Senators and Representatives have introduced proposals to amend the
Constitution for the purpose of giving to the Federal Government increased power to meet
the needs of the times, and the President's only answer to these suggestions has been that
it will take too long.
I think I know the House of Representatives well enough and I know that I speak for
the Senate, Democrats and Republicans alike, when I say to you that we will give the
President the votes to submit a constitutional amendment to the people of this country,
and we will do it now, if he will say the word. Every Senator will submerge his individual
views on particular amendments and adopt any reasonable proposal the President will
submit. We will not permit the Court to be packed. If the President wants real
reformnot sham reformwe will give it to him now. And I challenge the
administration to submit to the Congress any reasonable constitutional amendment. We have
no pride of authorship. We will take any reasonable amendment the administration will
submit. Nor need there be delay in ratification of such an amendment by the people.
Under article 5 of the Constitution, Congress may provide for the calling of
conventions. It may specify the time in which those conventions must be called. It may
provide the manner in which the delegates to those conventions may be elected. The
elections may be conducted by Federal election officers under congressional regulations.
It may use so much of the State election machinery as may be desirable. If the people of a
State favor the amendment, they will elect delegates pledged to vote for it. If they
oppose it, they will elect delegates pledged to vote against it. Each convention will,
therefore, contain only delegates for or against ratification, and the work of the
convention will be perfunctory. Thus it is not a question of years; but if the
administration so desires, it can be a question of months.
This is the issue upon which liberals and progressive differ with the President of
the United Statesa doubtful expedient or real reform.
The very platform adopted by the Democratic Convention in Philadelphia and dictated
by the President of the United States recognized this fact; and at no time or place in the
campaign was any statement made by any responsible Democrat that new Justices would be
added to the Supreme Court with a view of modifying the Constitution of the United States.
You people, when discussing the Constitution of the United States and the Supreme
Court, should remember that there was written into that great document which belongs to
you, certain specific grants of individual rightsreligious freedom, trial by a jury
of peers, free speech, free press, and free assembly. You people inherited these
individual rights from your forefathers. Unlike them you did not have to spill your blood
to win them. And their unchallenged existence you today take as a matter of course. They
are to us of commonplace importance, and yet, in much of the world, and in lands that have
known so-called civilization for many centuries, where universities have had continued
existence for hundreds of years, where human knowledge has gone far and human progress has
been great, these inherent human rights are being denied. I think of one great people
today whose property, whose liberty, whose life, and whose word of God all exist only in
the pleasure of one who sits in the driver's seat and makes the three subservient branches
of the Government bow to his will. And he does it in the name of modern democracy.
Create now a political court to echo the ideas of the Executive and you have created
a weapon. A weapon which, in the hands of another President in times of war or other
hysteria, could well be an instrument of destruction. A weapon that can cut down those
guaranties of liberty written into your great document by the blood of your forefathers
and that can extinguish your right of liberty, of speech, of thought, of action, and of
religion. A weapon whose use is only dictated by the conscience of the wielder.
I say that the women of America will never stand for it, now or in the future. The
farmers of America will not stand for it, now or in the future. The great rank and file of
the workers of America will never stand for it, now or in the future. And the Congress of
the United States of America will never stand for it, now or in the future.
We always have time to do right-we always have time to protect the rights and
liberties of the people. We have time now to make a real and lasting reform in a
constitutional way.
In closing, let me quote from one of the greatest living Americans, Mr. Justice
Brandeis, who said, "Experience should teach us to be most on guard to protect our
liberty when purposes of government are beneficent. Men born to freedom are naturally
alert to repel invasion of their liberty by evil-minded persons. The greatest dangers to
liberty lurk in insidious encroachment by men of zeal, well-meaning, but without