Director: Dr. Paul Montagna
2231 Boylan Hall
(718) 951-4114
The Ford Colloquium is a pre-professional program for the academic
professions: college and university teaching and research.
Like pre-law and pre-med, it introduces students to professional culture.
In doing so, it identifies, recruits, and trains undergraduates for the
next generation of college faculty.
The Ford Colloquium offers students:
- scholarships: $1,500 a year for student's last two years in college.
- honors courses to prepare students for graduate school.
- teaching experience through peer tutoring and/or course development.
- research experience with a faculty mentor
- graduate school counseling for GRE exams, choosing graduate programs,
and writing applications
- priority registration
- peer group collaboration and friendship with students who have
similar interests
- supplementary funds for related activities such as access to
specialized research materials and attendance at professional
Entrance requirements
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