The Pre-Engineered Building and other Temporary Spaces

Ground-breaking for the new wing will occur early in 1999, and the following July the Library staff and collections will vacate the existing building, relocating to temporary quarters on the west end of campus for the duration of the building project. From here, Library staff will deliver a full array of services to the College's students and faculty.

Because the building will be empty during construction and renovation, the project will proceed with considerable speed: work can be completed in 28 versus 42 months. During the summer 1997 consultants Randall Rice and Robert Hayes (The Omni Group, Los Angeles) worked with Library staff to create a program for the four temporary spaces we will occupy:

A large two-story pre-engineered building on the west end of campus, near the heating plant and tennis courts, will house the bulk of the collections and service points.

Gymnasium space in a nearby building will accommodate other materials, staff, and services.

The Music Library will be located temporarily in Gershwin Hall.

Older journals and the archives will occupy space at LaGuardia Community College.

Collections, staff, furniture, and equipment will squeeze into about 20% less space than they occupy in the present building. There will be no reduction in net taps or Internet service, but considerably less general seating.

The bibliographers have begun to review the areas of the collections for which they are responsible, withdrawing unwanted copies and titles that are no longer appropriate for the collections. Books for College Libraries serves as an excellent guide, in terms of which historical materials to retain. Marla Appelbaum developed specifications for the move to temporary quarters, and then from there to the new building. Based on this RFP, American Interfile was selected as our moving company. In the coming academic year, its staff will plan and execute the move to the four temporary locations.

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