Title: Gale Group National Newspaper Index



Subjects Covered:

All articles, news reports, editorials, letters to the editor, obituaries, product evaluations, biographical pieces, poetry, recipes, columns, cartoons and illustrations, and reviews are included.
Not included are weather charts, stock market tables, crossword puzzles, and horoscopes.

Dates Covered:

1979-to-present, updated weekly

Types of Resources Included:

Citations (no full-text) from 5 major U.S. newspapers

Titles of Resources Included:

Christian Science Monitor, the Los Angeles Times, the New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and the Washington Post.
Also included PR Newswire, Japan Economic Newswire, Reuters Financial Report, The New York Times Book Review, and the New York Times Magazine.

Provider of Resource:


User Access:

Available on campus only and through proxy.

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