

Interns Wanted for the Academic Information Technologies & Library Systems Programs

Each semester the Library is alive with a troop of talented interns, many of them students in the Department of Computer and Information Science. Through the CIS internship program, each of these students earns three credits by completing either hardware or software projects. They receive excellent direction and supervision from Howard Spivak and Michael Johnson, the Director and Assistant Director for Library Systems & Academic Computing.

The Library feels very positive about the range of educational opportunities it is able to provide, as well as the value of the work the interns complete. It is a pleasure to see our interns progress, to provide job recommendations for them as they graduate, and to watch them begin promising professional careers.

Interns" recent projects include:

* Design the menu system for the Library's local area network
* Write documentation for the Faculty Training and Development Laboratory
* Plan and implement cabling schemes for the Library building
* Build a database of Brooklyn College masters theses
* Design a database that tracks gifts to the Library
* Author a multimedia product demonstrating how to use adaptive equipment
* Maintain and repair hardware
* Design a computerized tour of the Library

If your department has an internship or independent study program for which technology-related projects might be suitable, please contact Howard Spivak (x5342) to discuss your ideas or inquire about placement. Capable students from all academic departments are welcome in these programs.