Naomi Bushman and Irwin Cohen Are 1994/95 Faculty Fellows in Academic Information Technologies and SystemsSpring 1995 saw Academic Information Technologies first faculty fellows. Naomi Bushman (Educational Services / Computer and Information Science), released for two courses, chaired the Advisory Committee on Academic Computing and worked long hours in the Faculty Training and Development Lab. Her special and ongoing contribution to the program is "'training the trainers"-taking each member of the student staff of the Faculty Training and Development Laboratory and turning her or him into an expert in one or more areas for which the Lab provides training and support for faculty. Much of the Lab's growing and valuable library of documentation has been written by these students, under Naomi Bushman's editorial supervision. Irwin Cohen (Chemistry), released for one course, spent most of his time working one-on-one with faculty wanting to author their own DOS-platform multimedia products. During his regularly scheduled Lab hours, Professor Cohen also helped colleagues with a wide range of software programs and research projects. If you are interested in working in the Academic Information Technologies program during the 1995/96 academic year, contact Barbra Higginbotham, 215 Library [bxhbc@cunyvm.cuny.edu; x5342]. |