Links to
Sites about Archives, Archivists, and History
|| Archival
Resource Sites | Professional
Organizations | Oral History
Sites ||
|| History
& Genealogy Sites | New
York City History Sites | Preservation
| Listservs ||
This page of links to web sites about archives, archivists, and history reflects some of the available resources in these fields. By no means do we present this as a definitive listing, but we do believe that many will find this a useful starting point for their own research. There are sites below that will interest professionals and researchers as well as students and curious web surfers. We will add to this list as the project progresses; recommendations for additional listings are most welcome (go to the project home page for a direct e-mail link or send to
Ahmed Iqbal Ullah Race Relations Archive ( )
Based right in the heart of Manchester's university campus, the Ahmed Iqbal Ullah Race Relations Archive was founded specifically to combat racist ideas about black people and contains leaflets, books and videos, based on the lives and experiences of black people the world over. The archive is named for Ahmed Iqbal Ullah, a pupil at Burnage High School who was tragically murdered in the school playground while defending his younger friends from racist attacks.
Canadian Archival Resources on the Internet ( )
This site, from the University of Saskatchewan, provides a comprehensive list of links to Canadian archives and associated resources on the Internet. These include links to individual repositories, multi-repository databases, archival listservs, archival associations, educational opportunities, and other related sites. This page is offered in both English and French.
The Internet
Archive ( )
The Internet Archive is "working to prevent
the Internet — a new medium with major historical significance — and other
"born-digital" materials from disappearing into the past." This site
seeks to permanently preserve and provide access to digital material of
historical value. Special collections include captured websites on
Election 2000 and the events of September 11, 2001.
National Archives and Records Administration ( )
This is the home page of the U.S. Federal agency whose mission is "to ensure ready access to the essential evidence that documents the rights of American citizens, the actions of Federal officials, and the national experience." Offers information about the agency as well as information about archives, preservation, and records management.
New York State Archives ( )
The web site of the New York State Archives (which is the official repository of New York State government records having permanent legal and historical value) offers information about records management and archives. There's also information about the Documentary Heritage Program (DHP). Did you know that the New York State Archives also has the largest collection of film scripts in the world?
Public Motion Picture Research Centers and Film Archives ( )
This is a page of links offered by the National Film Preservation Board / Library of Congress leading to film archives all over the world.
Ready, 'Net, Go! Archival Internet Resources ( )
A service of Special Collections, Tulane University, this is an excellent place to start your search for archival internet resources. This site features Master Lists of Archives (web sites around the world), Tools for Archivists (helpful sites for archival work), Archival Search Engines (tools for finding archival data), Professional Resources (resources for archival development) and Searching Resources (general Internet search tools).
Repositories of Primary Sources ( )
This listing, compiled by the Special Collections & Archives at the University of Idaho Library, includes over 4400 web sites describing holdings of manuscripts, archives, rare books, historical photographs, and other primary sources for the research scholar.
Smithsonian Institution - Archival Resources ( )
This page (part of an extensive web site) offers links to several archives, with topics ranging from art to astrophysics.
UNESCO Archives Portal ( )
This site, run by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) is an international gateway to information for archivists and archive users. It offers links to archives (national, regional / state, municipal, and others), primary sources online (finding aids, documents, projects, exhibitions), education and training, preservation and conservation, international cooperation, associations (international as well as regional), conferences and meetings, and Internet resources.
Society of American Archivists ( )
As explained on their web site, "the Society of American Archivists (SAA) is North America's oldest and largest archival professional association. Serving the educational and informational needs of more than 3,400 members, SAA provides leadership to ensure the identification, preservation, and use of records of historical value." Their web site offers a wide range of information.
The Academy of Certified Archivists ( )
As described on their web site, the "Academy of Certified Archivists supports and promotes fundamental standards of professional archival practice. We lead by defining the knowledge and abilities necessary to be an archivist and achieve our mission by certifying archivists, ensuring professional archival standards, and promoting the employment of Certified Archivists."
Mid-Atlantic Regional Archives Conference ( )
The Mid-Atlantic Regional Archives Conference (MARAC) is a volunteer, regional consortium of individuals who live and work in the individual states of New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, Virginia, and West Virginia, and the District of Columbia. MARAC seeks to promote the professional welfare of its members, to effect cooperation among individuals concerned with the documentation of the human experience, to enhance the exchange of information between colleagues working in the immediate regional area, to improve the professional competence of archivists, curators of textual, audiovisual, and related special research collections, and records managers, and to encourage professional involvement of persons actively engaged in the acquisition, preservation, bibliographic control, and use of all types of historical research materials.
Archivists Round Table of Metropolitan New York ( )
As explained on their web site, "founded in 1979, the Archivists Round Table of Metropolitan New York, Inc. (ART) is a not-for-profit organization representing a diverse group of more than 330 archivists, librarians, and records managers in the New York metropolitan area. It is one of the largest local organizations of its kind in the United States with members representing more than 160 repositories."
Association of Records Managers and Administrators ( )
"ARMA International is a not-for-profit association serving more than 10,000 information management professionals in the United States, Canada, and over 30 other nations. ARMA International members include records and information managers, MIS and ADP professionals, imaging specialists, archivists, hospital administrators, legal administrators, librarians, and educators." Its mission is to "provide education, research, and networking opportunities to information professionals, to enable them to use their skills and experience to leverage the value of records, information, and knowledge as corporate assets and as contributors to organizational success."
Civil Rights Oral History Bibliography ( )
This site comes from research conducted in 1997 by the University of Southern Mississippi's Center for Oral History and Cultural Heritage and at the Tougaloo College Archives, and offers a bibliography of Oral History Interviews on the Civil Rights Movement in Mississippi.
Columbia University Oral History Research Office - Links Page ( )
This page, part of Columbia University's Oral History Research Office, offers links to oral history organizations, programs, and projects. Click on the link on the left side of the page to see the Oral History Research Office's own collection and online resources.
Senate Oral History Program ( )
Part of the United States Senate web site, this page describes an ongoing oral history project by the Senate Historical Office documenting the personal recollections of former senators and retired members of the Senate staff. There are descriptions of those who have been interviewed, the scope of the interviews, and in some cases, the complete text.
Suffragists Oral History Project ( )
From the University of California at Berkeley, this page is the gateway to the Suffragists Oral History Project, which collected interviews with twelve leaders and participants in the woman's suffrage movement. This page also leads to links to other oral history sites (such as Disabled Persons Independence Movement, University of California Black Alumni Series, and Earl Warren Oral History Project).
American Family Immigration History Center - Ellis Island ( )
This new site offers its users the chance to find information about the immigrants who passed through Ellis Island. It's easy to use, but since there are millions of Americans whose ancestors passed through the Port of New York, access can sometimes be a bit slow. Keep trying - it's worth the wait!
American Studies Web - Crossroads Project ( )
Crossroads is an international networking and curriculum innovation project of the American Studies Association with sponsorship from Georgetown University. The American Studies Web is a subject-oriented index of primary and secondary web resources in American studies. This site offers links to historical studies, teaching aids, archival resources, and more.
Library of Congress - Local History & Genealogy Reading Room ( )
The Library of Congress has one of the world's premier collections of U.S. and foreign genealogical and local historical publications. This page offers links to bibliographies and guides, other Internet sources on local history and genealogy, and information on what their collection contains.
Minnesota Historical Society ( )
You don't have to live in Minnesota to benefit from the information offered on this web site. Interested in starting your own family history project? Go to their Family History Research page for a tutorial that will get you started on the right track. Interested in the Civil War? Take a look at their online collection of letters. Want to learn how to preserve your own treasures? Take a look at their Preserving Our Past page. From state archives to museums and libraries, this site is a great local history resource.
Northeastern University Libraries - Archives & Special Collections Dept. ( )
Like many college-based archives, the Archives & Special Collections Department of Northeastern University maintains historical records and publications of the University and its colleges, centers, and administrative units. Their special collections include rare books, faculty publications, and other collections. In 1998, this institution began "a two-year project funded by the National Historical Publications and Records Commission and the Barnard Foundation to identify, locate, secure, and make accessible the most important and at-risk historical records of four under documented communities in Boston: African American, Chinese, gay and lesbian, and Latino." Take a look at their entire site starting with the link above, or go directly to their project progress report.
UK - CASBAH Project ( )
Archivists and historians all over the world are concerned with the issue of identifying, locating, and securing the records of underdocumented groups. CASBAH is a "demonstrator project funded by the Research Support Libraries Programme (RSLP) to identify and map national research resources for Caribbean studies and the history of Black and Asian people in Britain." This site offers a great deal of information about this project as well as links to Caribbean studies resources abroad.
Bronx County Historical Society (
This web site offers information about this organization's library and archival holdings, Bronx history and notable residents, educational resources, and a virtual bookstore.
Brooklyn Historical Society ( )
The Brooklyn Historical Society is "a museum, library, archives and educational center dedicated to the exploration and appreciation of Brooklyn's rich heritage." Their web site offers some online finding aids to their archival holdings as well as information about their programs and exhibits.
Municipal Archives of the City of New York ( )
This site offers general information about the holdings of New York City's Municipal Archives. This collection contains information about the city's government, people, and places.
New York City ( )
This site, hosted by the Museum of the City of New York, includes information about the collections of 45 institutions and agencies in New York City's five boroughs. Inspired by the 100th anniversary of the consolidation of Greater New York, celebrated in 1998, it continues to provide information about the many activities, programs and exhibitions of institutions dedicated to the history of Greater New York.
New York History and Genealogy Network ( )
This is is a central point of entry to independent not-for-profit web sites with historical or genealogical content. Although independent, it is affiliated with The American Local History Network.
New York World's Fair ( )
If you were too young to see the 1964 New York World's Fair, or would like to relive your memories of that event, this site offers articles, maps, and photos.
Conservation OnLine ( )
CoOL is a project of the Preservation Department of Stanford University Libraries. This site offers a full text library of conservation information, covering a wide spectrum of topics of interest to those involved with the conservation of library, archives and museum materials.
Library of Congress - Preservation ( )
This area of the Library of Congress' web site offers information about how the LOC cares for its collections, and provides general information about caring for your collections.
National Film Preservation Board ( )
Also a part of the Library of Congress web site, this page offers a good starting point to learn about and find links to resources pertaining to film preservation.
Northeast Document Conservation Center ( )
The NDCC is the largest regional conservation center on the United States. Their web site offers a great deal of information about conservation of a wide variety of materials, including online manuals.
NARA Archive Links: Discussion Groups ( )
Links to other pages and information about Federal discussion groups.
SAA E-Mail Lists ( )
This page from the Society of American Archivists web site offers a list of listservs and electronic mailing lists, with instructions for subscribing.
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(Last updated: 11/06/01)