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Exercise #2:

Journals enable you to open up to the idea of thinking in-print (so to speak). Here's something to help you start forming ideas for a journal entry:
Read the poem below and jot down a few ideas about it, for example: What is the author trying to say? Do you like this poem? What do you like or dislike about it? What words or phrases strike you? Notice that quite a few of the words are nonsensical words. What do you suppose those words mean? What do you notice about the author's writing? Is it complex? Are words or phrases repeated? 


Do you recognize the poem?
It's from Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll.  Lewis's main character, a little girl named Alice, encounters this very poem and asks Humpty Dumpty to translate it for her. Together they create some very  interesting meanings. Care to see what they've invented? 

Check out this Web site:  Humpty translates The Jabberwocky 

Try writing at least 10 minutes a day. If you pay particular attention, you will begin to notice your own writing patterns.