Mathematics 5.3 – Multivariable Calculus – Syllabus
4 hours; 4 credits
The numbers after the headings refer to the section numbers in Multivariable Calculus (2nd edition) by James Stewart.
The order in which these topics are to be presented is left to the instructor’s discretion. Optional topics are indicated with a *.
three-dimensional coordinate systems; spheres (11.1),
introduction to vectors (11.2)
dot product; projections (11.3)
cross product (11.4)
*quadric surfaces (11.6)
vector functions; vector calculus (11.7)
arc length (11.8)
*curvature; unit normal vectors (11.8)
motion in space; velocity and acceleration (11.9)
functions of two or more variables (12.1)
limits and continuity (12.2)
partial derivatives (12.3)
tangent planes; differentials (12.4)
chain rule; implicit differentiation (12.5)
directional derivatives; gradients (12.6)
maxima and minima; saddle points (12.7)
Lagrange multipliers (12.8)
double integrals over rectangles; volumes (13.1)
iterated integrals (13.2)
double integrals over general regions (13.3)
double integrals in polar coordinates (13.4)
*moments of inertia; surface area (13.5, 13.6)
triple integrals (13.7)
triple integrals in cylindrical and spherical coordinates (13.8)
vector fields (14.1)
line integrals (14.2)
fundamental theorem of line integrals (14.3)
Green’s Theorem (14.4)
*curl and divergence (14.5)
*surface areas (14.6)
*surface integrals (14.7)
*Stokes’ Theorem (14.8)
*the divergence theorem (14.9)