Fabio Girelli-Carasi
ITALIANO 1010 - Primavera duemila diciassette
Lezione DIECI
this files also contains
COMPITO SCRITTO FILENAME: nome-italiano.25marzo EMAIL SUBJECT: compito 25 marzo duemila diciassette |
YELLOW HIGHLIGHT: REQUIRED BLUE HIGHLIGHT: DO IT BUT DON'T TURN IT IN task 1 Copy and paste the following statement: "Compiti that do not comply with the format requirements will be deleted." |
task 2:
LINK Flash Translation: test your ability to
conjugate ARE verb forms Write each form WITH the corresponding subject pronoun |
Task 3:
LINK dispensa
Be honest: write your ORIGINAL answer, and if it is wrong, next to it write the CORRECT FORM. |
Task 4:
LINK DISPENSA Esercizio at the bottom of the page. You are at a point where you should be able to start putting together your own sentences. You know:
You understand the mechanisms of:
task 5: LINK this is a challenging exercise. It requires that you create sentences using the words and rules that you have learned. |
some for tomorrow