ITALIANO  2   PRIMAVERA 2015  (duemila diciassette)

COMPITO 21 febbraio


Filename:  nome-italiano.21febbraio

Email subject: compito ventuno febbraio

YELLOW HIGHTLIGHT = writing, must turn in

GREEN = study or do the exercise but do not turn it in in writing

TASK 1:   Copy the following:

Compiti will be accepted on these conditions: meet the deadline; have the correct filename and email subject;  comply with formatting requirements. NO AUTOMATIC TRANSLATORS ALLOWED, only dictionaries.


TASK 2 : pronunciation C and G clusters.

Watch the videos and practice practice practice

PRONUNCIA (foods) voce e sottotitoli  LINK

Pronuncia  VOCE  LINK

Pronuncia  LINK

TASK 3:   from task 2, choose 5 of your favorite foods and list the ingredients (in italiano)

MODELLO:  nella pizza c'e'..... (in the pizza THERE IS....)

TASK 4:        Oggi-domani, lezione 2 pagina 3

STUDY coniugazione - ARE verbi abitare e CHIAMARSI

IN the right-hand SIDEBAR: VIDEO TUTORIAL verb conjugations

Use these professions:

Surgeon, blacksmith, priest, plumber, electrician, (car) mechanic, dentist, accountant, singer, philosoper.

For each profession write a VERY SIMPLE complete sentence (Ex: a mechanic repairs my car).

 TASK 5:    Oggi-domani, lezione 2 pagina 3

SIDEBAR:  esercizio 5  (in Sezione 4)

 TASK 6:     write short sentences saying what each of these worker does (related to their activity.)

Surgeon, blacksmith, priest, plumber, electrician, (car) mechanic, dentist, truck driver (camionista), singer, philosopher.

For each profession write a VERY SIMPLE complete sentence (Ex: the mechanic repairs cars).