Fabio Girelli-Carasi


 COMPITO   SCADENZA 17 ottobre

File name:  your-italian-name.17 ottobre     (only in     .doc  or  .docx  or  .rtf)

Email subject:   compito 17 ottobre

BEGINNING with this lesson we are going to start "cracking the code" of the language.

No more simple memorization and basic manipulation. From now on we are going to start putting the pieces of the puzzle together to create full meaningful sentences, piece by piece.

Task 0  at the top of the page, write your name and the due date, but write the date PER ESTESO (spelled out, not with digits), giorno mese e anno.

ALSO: write what time it is when you are doing your compito, per esteso in italiano.

Modellosono le venti e trentacinque  (it is 20:35 --- yes, using the 24hr clock)

TASK 1:    Geography quizzes on Blackboard.

I am told you will not be able to see your answers against the correct answers.

TASK 2:   initalianoweb   pagina A5 (ripasso)  REPEAT FROM 7 ottobre

At the bottom of the page:


1) What is the GENERAL rule about the use of the POSSESSIVE in italiano?

2) What is the rule that govern the exception with nouns that refer to relatives?

Task 3   
Task 4:          
TASK 5:      .  initalianoweb   pagina C esercizio 2.

WARNING: if you initally get the message PAGE NOT FOUND, try again a couple of times.
TASK 6:      . initalianoweb  

FROM COMPITO 7 ottobre: pagina C esercizi 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 .

You did the exercises now CLICK THIS LINK:  compare the RISPOSTE CORRETTE  with your own (check the compito you submitted.)

For each exercise, copy THE INPUT, THE WRONG ANSWERS ONLY, AND the correct answer. AND EXPLAIN the error.

TASK 7:      . initalianoweb   pagina C1

PLURALE esercizi 1,2,3,4,5

TASK 7:      VIDEO Title:    your Italian name and due date in italiano.  URL OF YOUR PLAYLIST

RECORD:   nome, data completa in italiano e ORA (time)

2)  in inglese explain the GENERAL rule governing the use of POSSESSIVES, and the exception with nouns related to relatives.

3) List at least 10 one-word objects around you in the room where you are doing the recording.

Recite the list pronouncing the names of the objects first in italiano, then the translation in inglese. Repeat the list with the INDEFINITE article.
Repeat the list with the same objects in the plural form.

4)  This is challenging and requires time and attention.

 CHOOSE 5 of the objects in you list and say what each one is useful for.  See model below.

MODELLO:  useful for   - UTILE PER      The sentence will be like:   The hammer is  useful to break things.        

 UTILE PER    followed by the infinitive form of the verb.

If you forgot what the INFINITIVE FORM is, go to my playlist and find the video with the explanation.

(Only if you are sure, go ahead and add more word after the infinitive verb.)