Fabio Girelli-Carasi


 COMPITO   SCADENZA 21 ottobre

File name:  your-italian-name.21 ottobre     (only in     .doc  or  .docx  or  .rtf)

Email subject:   compito 21 ottobre

BEGINNING with this lesson we are going to start "cracking the code" of the language.

No more simple memorization and basic manipulation. From now on we are going to start putting the pieces of the puzzle together to create full meaningful sentences, piece by piece.

Task 0  at the top of the page, write your name and the due date, but write the date PER ESTESO (spelled out, not with digits), giorno mese e anno.

ALSO: write what time it is when you are doing your compito, per esteso in italiano.

Modellosono le venti e trentacinque  (it is 20:35 --- yes, using the 24hr clock)

TASK 1:    Leave a comment for the video PLURALE
TASK 2:   initalianoweb C2  ARTICOLI DETERMINATIVI (definite articles)


TASK 3:   initalianoweb C2  ARTICOLI DETERMINATIVI (definite articles)

ESERCIZI   1, 2, 3, 4, 5

TASK 4:   From esercizi  A, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

LIST THE NEW WORDS you found in these exercises. 

First the singular (article + word) and on the same line   the plural (article + word)


TASK 5:   in the grammar exercises you saw expressions such as   "Dante fa ---- scrittore"

You filled the blank with a DEFINITE ARTICLE => Dante fa lo scrittore. 

The meaning is "Dante is a writer".  THIS EXPRESSION is used with PROFESSIONS. It requires the verb FARE

(to do) in the 3rd person   (lui/lei fa) followed by DEFINITE ARTICLE and profession

WRITE 10 sentences with 10 FAMOUS HISTORICAL personages saying what they do (i.e. their professions).

MODELLO : Dante fa lo scrittore.

Task 5:           initalianoweb C1   bottom section "multiple things".

Write a list of 10 objects that only exist in the plural (ex scissors) preceded by the correct definite article.

TASK 5:      VIDEO Title:    your Italian name and due date in italiano.  URL OF YOUR PLAYLIST


1) IN ITALIANO: my name is, today is (day-date), time

2)  Record: read the names of objects in the section "cose plurali"

3)  Record: from task 5, read the 10 objects on your list.

CHECK BLACKBOARD for exercises