Fabio Girelli-Carasi


 COMPITO   SCADENZA 25 ottobre

File name:  your-italian-name.25 ottobre     (only in     .doc  or  .docx  or  .rtf)

Email subject:   compito 25 ottobre

BEGINNING with this lesson we are going to start "cracking the code" of the language.

No more simple memorization and basic manipulation. From now on we are going to start putting the pieces of the puzzle together to create full meaningful sentences, piece by piece.

Task 0  name and date per esteso; present time using the 24hr clock

Modellosono le venti e trentacinque  (it is 20:35 )

TASK 1:    initalianoweb C2   Leave a comment for the video ARTICOLI DETERMINATIVI
TASK 2:    initalianoweb C3  Next to dialogo David Venere, answer the DOMANDE PER TE
TASK 3:   initalianoweb C3   Exercises DIALOGO 1, DIALOGO 2 
TASK 4:   initalianoweb C3   Section TUTTE LE DOMANDE.  Copy the input and answer (your answer goes under the questions)
TASK 5:   initalianoweb C3  watch the video and leave a comment online
Task 6:           initalianoweb C3   VERBO AVERE esercizi  1-2-3-4 (do not include them in the written compito but do all of them. If you don't you will only have yourself to blame in the future.)


TASK 7:     initalianoweb CQUANTI ANNI HANNO LORO?  listen to the soundfiles, repeat the words to get better pronunciation, learn all the words and expressions.  ESERCIZIO traduzione.
TASK 8:     initalianoweb C3   QUANTI ANNI HAI (dialogo Monna Lisa - Liberty)   Esercizio DOMANDE RISPOSTE E SPIEGAZIONE
 TASK 9:    

 VIDEO Title:    your Italian name and due date in italiano.  URL OF YOUR PLAYLIST

RECORD:   Name and due date.

Part 1)

Ask Venere or David (your choice) how they are doing, how old they are, when they were born and where? ALL IN ONE TAKE, NO NOTES. ONLY THE QUESTIONS.

Part 2) REPEAT THE QUESTIONS and after each question give an answer (you are playing two roles)

Part 3) Someone is asking you the very same questions and you give them real answers. (Suppose your name is Antonio: "Ciao Antonio, how is it going [in italiano]?"  "Very well thank you". "How old are you, Antonio?" "I am ...." etc)

** PRIVACY: you don't have to reveal any personal data. You can make up your date of birth etc, but be reasonable and be consistent.

TASK 10:     bottom of the page, take a look at the numbers and get familiar with them.
CHECK BLACKBOARD for exercises    I am still recovering and I hope to get to the Blackboard exercises soon.