Fabio Girelli-Carasi


 COMPITO   SCADENZA 24 settembre

File name:  your-italian-name.24settembre  (.doc  or  .docx  or  .rtf)

Email subject: compito 24 settembre


reminder:   FOR GRADE      NOT FOR GRADE
Task 0  at the top of the page, write your name and the due date, but write the date PER ESTESO (spelled out, not with digits), giorno mese e anno.
Task 1:    


filename:  your-italian-name.24settembre

Send it as attachment TOGETHER with the compito

When you save it, make sure you keep the same size and jpg format.

1)  download the map. Write the name of the cities corresponding to the dots.

2) Next to each city, write the name of the region they belong to.

3) Find the location of the following locations and mark them on the map: Vesuvio, Etna, Stromboli, Vulcano, Pompei (NOT Pompeii), Assisi, Lago di Como, Taormina, Amalfi.

Task 2:      Quick research: in inglese:

ANSWER : why are Pompei and Assisi famous? (Assisi in particular is famous FOR ITALIANS). Don't copy. Do yourself a favor, read and research more than strictly necessary. Take the opportunity to expand your knowledge.


Task 3:   

The link will take you to a Youtube playlist


Examine all the VIDEOS with verb conjugations: Essere, avere, irregular, ARE ERE IRE. Memorize the conjugations (review). This is going to be the starting point for this semester's work.

Leave a comment in each video you review.