QUIZ  Video Lectures Lecture 4


NAME_________________    Due DATE ______________


The Influence of Film on Popular Culture and Political Ideology

Type your answers under each question in boldface.

  1. What is the difference between conscious and unconscious (subconscious) processing of film (moving images)?

  2. Who invented the film technology?

  3. What was the subject of the first film ever presented to the public?

  4. What is the subject of the first "terror" film?

  5. What is the subject of the first comedy?

  6. What is the topic of The Birth of a Nation?

  7. What is the message of Birth?

  8. How was the film received by the public?

  9. What was the real purpose, the political goal of the racist movement?

  10. What is voter suppression (voter suppression  seems a rather imprecise term to me. I had seen both "vote suppression" and "voting suppression" but apparently the media decided to agree on "voter" and that is the term used today.)

Racism Yesterday and Today
  1. How are Mexican represented in the cartoon (see lecture)?
  2. What do they have in common with a similar representation of Italians one century ago?
  3. What kind of "diseases" did Italians carry to America, according to the representation in the cartoon?
  4. What are the two companies referred to in the New Yorker cartoon?
  5. What is the New Yorker?
  6. What periodicity does it have?
  7. What are the obvious SIGNS, the components, of this stereotypical image?
  8. How overt is the stereotyping of women?
  9. Which type of stereotype is more 'dangerous": an obvious and in-your-face one; or a subtle and subliminal one? IN YOUR OPINION. WHY?