Name _____________________________ Date _____________________ WED sect





1.       What does Beppo do for a living in Italy?   

2.       Who else wants to marry Annetta?  

3.       What is Beppo’s first job in America?  

4.       What is the name of the slumlord?   

5.       What special food is needed to heal Beppo’s sickly son?  

6.       Why is he arrested?  

7.       Whom did he ask for help?   

8.       What happens to his son?  

9.       Whose house does he break in to commit mischief?  

10.   What is his goal when he enters the house?  



SON OF ITALY    page 9- 109


  1. What is the name of the Italian village where Pascal's family lives?

  2. The local people think that the old beggar woman is a (specific word).....

  3. Where does Pascal see her FOR THE LAST TIME?

  4. What does he give her?

  5. Why does Pascal’s father decide to emigrate to America? (Skip the dream-opportunity rhetoric.)

  6. What is the new fruit he discovers in America?

  7. What kind of jobs does he find with his gang?  

  8. Who steals Matteo’s wallet while they are in NY?   

  9. What causes his gang to break up?   

  10. What is the Commissary System?  How does it work?

SON OF ITALY video lecture
  1. What is an autobiography? Use terms from the lecture.
  2. Do you agree with Shakespeare about the meaning of life?
  3. Is our society immune from irrational beliefs in "invisible evil forces?"
  4. According to Pascal, who are the real "vampires?"
  5. Few rich people owned all the land. What is the percentage of wealth owned by the top 1% in America today?