Fabio Girelli-Carasi





On the course homepage click the link to the syllabus and familiarize yourself with the rules.

  • Read the email protocol's rules. Make sure your email address meets the requirements.

  • Read the instructions on how to format your assignments.

  • Create a Word document.

    Name the file:    your-italian-name.4giugno  (your Italian name is on the course homepage)

    Save it as .doc  .docx  or .rtf  (if you have a Mac and don't know how to do it, check youtube.)


Compose your assignment following the example in the syllabus:

- Name (in this case, your Italian name), last name and due date.

- Complete the following tasks:

TASK 1: what is the meaning of the word 'compito'?  (Write your answers below the questions.)

TASK 2: what does SCADENZA mean?

TASK 3: how do you say JUNE in Italian?

TASK 4: how do you say ITALY in Italian?

Task 5: how do you say ITALIAN in Italian?

  • Attach your assignment to an email message

 Compito 4 giugno

File name:  your-italian-name.4giugno  (.doc  or  .docx  or  .rtf)

Email subject: compito 4 giugno




in the message body, IN YOUR WORDS confirm that you read the syllabus and that you are taking full responsibility for meeting all the deadlines and for honoring the non-plagiarism code.

You must follow exactly the instructions. If you cannot do it correctly chances are this course is not for you.

I will add to the mailing list ONLY the students who will send this first message.