Fabio Girelli-Carasi


Summer 2018

Lecture and Assignment 1

YOUTUBE: These lectures are recycled from Winter 2018. I am working on a set of new videos that I hope to upload shortly.





SCREEN :   JULIUS CAESAR (Shakespeare)

Go to Blackboard > ASSIGNMENTS > VIDEOS


Filename: last-name.july16  (.doc  .docx    .rtf) DO NOT USE pages or google doc.

Email subject: assignment july 16

Task 0: 

1. COMPLETE all the preliminary tasks in the order of appearance on Blackboard.

No exceptions.

2. Complete Assignment July 12.

3. Confirm in this space that you have completed 1 and 2.


I will not accept any work, July 16 included, unless you have done all the previous work.


Task 1:    take written notes of the plot as you are watching the film. Type the notes. You can use a telegraphic style, or a bullet list or whatever method best helps you focus your attention and remember. You can also add your personal comments about a particular detail, character or any other aspect that grabbed your attention.
Task 2:   


Synthesize the major issues discussed in the dialogue between BRUTUS and CASSIUS. Do they have different agendas? What do they reveal about them?

Task 3 :  


Choose a character OTHER THAN BRUTUS and CASSIUS, and write about your EMOTIONAL response to him/her. Did you like h/h?

Did you hate h/h? What did you like/hate about h/h? 

Task 4 : and finally your opinion. Is Anthony really and totally devoted to Caesar or is he being strategic, attempting to appeal to Caesar's followers?