Fabio Girelli-Carasi


Summer 2018

Lecture and Assignment JULY 19  (2)


Go to Blackboard > ASSIGNMENTS > VIDEOS


Filename: last-name.july19  (.doc  .docx    .rtf) DO NOT USE pages or google doc.

Email subject: assignment july 19

REMINDER: I will not accept any work until you have completed all the preliminary requirements on Blackboard and assignment July 12.

It is your responsibility to check if you received the last assignment with a grade. If a file is missing you must notify me immediately.

Task 1:    take written notes of the plot with your comments / impressions.
Task 2:   Self-reflection. Go over your notes. Do you find a pattern? Are you most interested in the HISTORICAL aspects and what they reveal about different philosophies of life; OR, did you pay attention mostly to the plot?
What does that say about you, and about your priorities as an audience of one: does the emotional content come before the intellectual process? Or viceversa? (Please don't answer that they occur both at the same time: they don't.)
Task 3 :   Does the film reveal something new about Christianity that you were not aware of? (Of course, some of you were NOT raised as Christians, therefore, much of the information in the film may be completely new.)
Task 4 :  Short answers

1)       Who is the Christian leader who flees Rome in fear of being persecuted?

2) Romans were great fans of what particular kind of sport/games?

3) Who is the emperor at the time of this story?

4) What title do people use to address him?


BLOG   keep up with the blog discussions. At the end of the semester, you will compile your COMMENTS (not the replies) into one single document. ONLY COMMENTS THAT MET THE DEADLINES CAN BE INCLUDED.