MLAN 2610
 ITAL 3610

Italian Literature in Translation

Prof. Fabio Girelli-Carasi

 Assignment    Nov 6


Reading  Download the pdf documents with short stories from Decameron.

1) Day 5, n. 9   CLICK HERE

2) Day 6, n.  4   CLICK HERE

3) Day 6, n. 10 Friar Cipolla CLICK HERE

4) Day 9,  n 3. CLICK HERE

5) Day 10, n. 10 CLICK HERE

Writing   1) Type your notes in bullet list format for 1) 2) 3) 5).

Writing   2) Choose your favorite story among 1) 2) 3) 5) and explain what you liked: the character(s); the plot; the structure; the conclusion; the "message" as a reflection of the culture of the times; or any other aspect that pervades the entire story.

Writing   3) Choose your least favorite among  1) 2) 3) 5). Make sure you don't confuse the quality of the story itself and the way it made you feel (just because may have upset you, it doesn't mean the story is of poor quality.)

Writing  4) Story n. 4 (Calandrino) introduces a character that appears in several other stories. He is the archetype of the gullible idiot that falls for scams and practical jokes. The public loved it. Does it appeal to the modern USA sensibility (not just YOUR sensibility, but the sensibility at large of our society)? Why?