MLAN 2610
 ITAL 3610

Italian Literature in Translation

Prof. Fabio Girelli-Carasi

LECTURE 18 --  Nov 13
  • Attendance

LEONARDO as a person: secretive, quiet, meditative, a loner by choice, involved in intellectual conversation with himself and his own thoughts.

As a artist: ambitious, perfectionist, experimental. He pored into his art work (paintings) more thought than any other known artist. Always late with his work, he drove his patrons crazy with his delays. He could spend days looking at his work without painting a single stroke. He kept revising his work.

As an engineer: he wrote 100,000 pages of notes, on every subject imaginable, full of sketches and drawings. We only have about 20,000 pages, the rest has disappeared. He is considered the most creative genius of the Western world in recorded history.

His intelligence is beyond comprehension.

Not a literary person, but he composed music that he performed for his own pleasure. Almost of it is lost.

He had the extraordinary ability to see moving objects (animals, waves, wind) in slow motion and was able to capture the sequence of movements like a video camera. We were able to determine that his drawings (birds in flight, for instance, or motion of waves) were correct only a few decades ago with the invention of superfast camera.