Julius Caesar


Task 1:    take written notes of the plot as you are watching the film. Type the notes. You can use a telegraphic style, or a bullet list or whatever method best helps you focus your attention and remember. You can also add your personal comments about a particular detail, character or any other aspect that grabbed your attention.


       Cassius is jealous of Caesar, him being treated like a god

       Brutus agrees with Cassius

       Mark Antony tells Caesar that Cassius is dangerous

       Casca tells Brutus and Cassius about Caesar denying the crown multiple times and then fainting

       Casca joins Cassius to bring down Caesar

       Brutus joins Cassius believing the only way to save Rome is to kill Caesar

       Cassius wants to kill Mark Antony

       Brutus decides against it

       Caesar's wife has a dream that he will die

       Caesar will not go to the senate

       One of the conspirators convinces Caesar to go

       They stab caesar

       Mark Antony finds them around Caesar

       Mark Antony shakes all their hands

       They agree to let Mark Antony speak at Caesar’s funeral

       Mark Antony vows to avenge Caesar

       Brutus addresses the crowd outside the capital

       Brutus tells the crowd he loved Caesar but he loved Rome more

       Brutus says they either die slaves as Caesar lives or they live free as Caesar dies

       Mark Antony praises Caesar for how much he cared about Rome while making it sound like Brutus made a mistake for killing him

       Mark Antony reads Caesar’s will which reads that Caesar left his wealth to the people of Rome

       The crowd has turned against the conspirators

       The crowd riots and go to push Brutus and Cassius from the city

       Brutus and Cassius are now out of Rome with armies of men

       Rome is under the control of Marc Antony, Octavius, and Lepidus

       Brutus and Cassius fight

       Brutus reveals his wife has killed herself

       Caesar’s ghost tells Brutus he will see him in Philippi on the battlefield

       Mark Antony and Octavius lead troops to Philippi

       Cassius’s troops lose and Cassius orders someone to kill him with the dagger he used to kill Caesar

       Brutus throws himself onto his sword and kills himself

       Mark Antony standing over Brutus’s body praises him for his dedication to the welfare of Rome.





Task 1:    take written notes of the plot with your comments / impressions.



       Rome has many slaves; 30 years after crucifixion

       Emperor Nero, Rome looks beautiful

       Fabias and Marcus been away for three years after brilliant victories

       Ordered to camp outside Rome, lash soldier that complains

       Marcus rushes through Rome angry

       They fought in Britain

       Emperor is a fool, mean to servants

       “Hail Nero” Nero is treated like a god

       Petronius, Marcus’s uncle, owns slaves

       Nero murdered wife and mother

       Servant won’t fight, it's a sin to kill, Fabius and Marcus laugh at him

       Lygia is General’s daughter

       Marcus thinks all women slaves are dull barbarians

       Lygia does not like Marcus, treats people with respect

       Lygia’s real name is Callima, taken hostage from Lygia the territory, daughter of King of Lygia

       Lygia is adopted, doesn’t think Rome should be conquering

       General and wife treat Lygia like a daughter

       Paul of Tarsus visits General

       Paul has come from Antioch, Corinth, he is Paul the apostle

       Marcus doesn’t know what a Rabbi is

       General says he’s a teacher of philosophy to hide he’s a christian

       Marcus think women should feel not think

       Peter is coming to Rome

       The general’s family are all christian

       Paul was tried but acquitted

       Paul believes he could teach Marcus the word of God, teach Rome teach the world

       Ursus protects Lygia

       Lygia prays to God and asks for forgiveness for sins. She prays that Marcus may see the God’s light

       Nero has a breakdown, is stressed out even though he doesn’t have to do anything except make an appearance at the ceremony

       Petronius knows how to make Nero feel special so he will do things

       Peter believes Nero is not evil but sick in heart and soul

       Marcus doesnt want sex slave Petronius gave him, wants to buy Lygia

       Eunice, Petronius’s sex slave, is in love with Petronius

       Lygia is ordered to Nero’s house of women, taken away from General

       Nero is attracted to Lygia

       Petronius convinces Nero she is “too narrow in the hips”

       Nero sings a bad song

       The empress is attracted to Marcus

       Two gladiators fight

       Petronius controls Nero

       Lygia is now owned by Marcus

       Head of Nero’s house of women signals Ursus to save her

       Petronius tells Marcus that Lygia is a christian

       Eunice admits her love to Petronius

       Old greek brings Marcus to Christian gathering with Paul

       Peter tells the Christians a story of Jesus

       Jesus said Peter will deny him 3 times which he did

       Jesus visited his apostles after his death

       Lygia’s parents are there

       They follow Lygia home

       Ursus kills Croton but brings unconscious Marcus to Lygia’s house

       Ursus asks Marcus for forgiveness

       Lygia is in love with Marcus

       Lygia is trying to make him a man of christ

       Marcus doesn’t understand Jesus

       Marcus doesn’t want to change

       Marcus breaks their crucifix

       Acte confesses her love to Nero, he bans her from Rome

       Marcus sees the empress

       Nero wants to rebuild Rome, make Neropolis

       Nero sets Rome on fire

       Marcus goes to save Lygia

       Terrifying scene of people trying to escape

       Marcus leads people into the sewers to escape to the river

       Marcus kills a Roman commander to open the gate to let people out

       Nero did this for inspiration for a song

       A mob storms the palace

       Empress tells Nero he should blame the fire on Christians

       Nero does and will exterminate all Christians, Petronius fails to convince him not to 

       Petronius and Marcus send for Galba to take over Rome

       Marcus goes to jail to save Lygia, gets locked up

       The Romans are sending lions on the Christians

       Peter sees a light in the forest, asks the Lord what he should do, Nazarius says the people in Rome need him

       Petronius frees Eunice and has a doctor slit his wrist, she slits her wrist

       Petronius has faith in Christianity

       Nero reads Petronius last words and has a temper tantrum

       Christians are lashed into the colosseum

       Peter yells for peace to the christians, the audience laughs, he’s put in the dungeon

       The christians start singing

       The lions are released and tear them apart

       Nero examines the bodies at night, they are smiling

       Marcus is still unsure about the Christian faith

       Marcus and Lygia are married by Peter

       Peter is crucified upside down on Vatican hill

       General Plautius yells to the crowd that Nero was the one that burned Rome

       The christians are burnt alive

       Marcus is forced to watch Ursus defend Lygia from a bull

       Marcus asks for Christ to give Ursus strength

       Ursus kills the bull

       Marcus breaks from his chains, calls out Nero, announces Galba new emperor of Rome

       A mob storms Nero’s palace with no army to protect him

       Nero strangles the empress for turning his people against him

       Acte gives Nero a knife so he can die like a man but he can’t do it, Acte kills stabs him in the heart

       Marcus believes a permanent world and a permanent faith can not be done without each other

       Peter’s cane glows