MLAN 1510

Prof. Fabio Girelli-Carasi

ASSIGNMENT 1  due FEB 6 by classtime
  1. Create a new WORD file  -  if you have a Mac, change the extension  .pages into  .doc or docx.  (there are lots of youtube video that show you how to do it.
  2. Name the file as follows:    last-name.february6   (Example:   carasi.february6)
    (Believe it or not it matters that you use a dot and not a dash between last name and date. If you want to know I will tell you why when we meet.)
  3. Attach the assignment to an email. For the email, use this subject:   assignment february 6
    By using this simple subject, I can archive all your work in chronological order automatically. ALSO, it's important you write the word ASSIGNMENT: I have set up a filter that routes your work directly into the proper email subfolder, so that I don't have to chase around to find your submission.


Task 1:    Do a google or youtube search. Topic ROMULUS and REMUS or the foundation of Rome.

In this space, put the link of the source your found and explain briefly what you liked (or did not like) about the content.

Task 2:   read these wikipedia entries:

Do a quick search and see if you can find a video or another account of the "HOLY GEESE". The account on wikipedia is too big and too detailed.



Here is the first of my video lectures about ITALIAN CULTURAL HERITAGE.

It is one of the items in a playlist. The first three videos all deal with Ancient Rome. I hope you can find the time to watch them all (they are not too long.)


Your task is to take notes and ask yourself questions, questions that we can answer together.
What does it mean "TO ASK YOURSELF A QUESTION"?  It is something that normally starts with a:  "Hmmm, I wonder why..."; "I wonder who, what, how come?" "I wonder what happened after.."