The Godfather Notes

Example 1



Book I - Chapter 1

Pg 11 The chapter starts out as Amerigo Bonasera is in court for his daughters case against two boys who beat her up. They boys charged with 3 years but sentence suspended.

Pg 15 Connie and Carlo’s wedding, Enzo, Johnny and Bonasera Came for help from the godfather Don Corleone.

Pg 16 Don’s children- Santino aka Sonny oldest son, Fredo middle son, Michael youngest, Constanzia aka Connie, Tom Hagen –adopted son.

P44 Don’s former consigliori Genco Abbandando is in hospital.

Pg 47 Don sits at Genco’s dying side

Pg 48-51 Tom Hagen new consigliori he goes to California in behalf of Johnny

Pg 53 Tom Hagen calls Billy Goff to meet with Woltz to take about having Johnny Fontane for the role in the film

Chapter 2

Pg 65 Tom Hagen arranges meeting with sollozo

Pg 67 head in Woltz bed
Pg 69 Johnny gets job

Don meeting with sollozo
Pg73 Don says No to sollozo
Pg 75 Sollozo approaches tom Hagen
Pg79 the Don is shot
Pg 84 Sonny calls Ray Farrell to get Paulie and Clemenza call log

Chapter 3
Pg 86-88 sollozo tells Hagen the don is dead and explains to Hagen to convince sonny to cooperate. Hagen worries about Luca, sollozo finds out the don is still alive.


Chapter 4
Pg 93 sonny finds out Paulie received calls from a phone both on the day he was sick . Sonny declares Sollozo must be killed


Chapter 5
Hagen pitches Sollozo idea to Sonny, Michael calling for Luca.

Chapter 6
Rocco Lampone kills Paulie

Chapter 7
Luca meets with Bruno Tattaglia and Sollozo on orders from Don Corleone to find out more about the operation, this time they suspect Luca of just so and they kill him.

Chapter 8
Pg 119 Sonny receives a fish wrapped in Luca’ bullet proof vest, a message that Luca is dead.

Chapter 9
Pg 123 Michael goes to visit his father in the hospital. Sees no guards and is startled. Tells nurse to help him move his father.

Chapter 10
Pg 127 Enzo comes to visit Don.
Pg 128 Captain McCluskey pushes Mike in the jaw and threatens to lock him up.
Pg 134 The family is discussing Michael meeting with Sollozo and mcCluskey

Chapter 11

Pg 142 Clemenza preps Mike for the meeting

Pg 150 Michael and Sollozo have their talk

Pg 152 Mike shoots Sollozo then McCluskey

Pg 154 A bomb exploded in Corleone family mall, Five Family War of 1946 begins.

Book II – Chapter 13

Johnny interactions in California with girls, Nino, Goff..

Book III – Chapter 14

Detail young Vito Corleone and his start to becoming Don. Stole rug, killed Fanucci, Genco Pura olive oil

Chapter 16

Carlo beating Connie