Christ in Concrete



Page 21:

·         Need for men

·         Devastation

·         Michael, Annunziata, and others are questioning where Geremio is. It is evident that they can sense something is wrong. “Annunziata, help us, our world is ending- our men are away from us.” This is imperative because it shows how dependent the women are of their men.

·         Family seems like they are falling apart

Page 22:

·         Vivid imagery

·         The screams and sorrows from family members is raw

·         Feeling of being alone and devastation

·         “Human metronome.”

Page 23:

·         Faith references

·         Hope that this is a nightmare or a mistake – “ Prasie jesu Geremio is alive and hiding.”

·         Processing the feelings, maybe denial

·         Police

Geremio- Born- Died

Page 27:

·         Remembering the wife- maybe some kind of ceremony

·         Sexual references used again … “breast called abandonedly.”

Page 31:

·         Again, vivid images- Readers feel as though they are there saying goodbyes

·         Family is torn and so are others

·          Faith keeps them tied together. Religion references are made again.

·         “Good -by, Geremio. To God, Geremio”

Page 32:

·         Children weeping and processing emotions

·         Prayers asking why and what went wrong

·         Wife trying to hold it together for children

Page 35:

·         Annunziata is frantic that baby is coming sooner than later

·         Luigi arranges chairs for women as they sip wine and eat bread and grapes

·         There is a strong bond formed

Page 40:

·         Family meets baby

·         Family is overwhelmed and joyful

·         Annunziata cries happy tears

·         Annunziata prays over baby

Page 43:

·         “Mother, my life is now your shield. Nothing, nothing is the world can harm you.”

·         Thoughts that the worst is over, the death of Geremio

·         Thoughts of how could it get worse, it can only get better

Page 44:

·         First time readers see family accepts Geremio’s death

·         “I give thanks to the good God for my Geremio. And I know he hovers above me aiding me to protect his and mine…”

·         Family has a guardian angle

Page 45:

·         Money and pay is discussed

·         .50 the hour , 9 hours a day= 4.50 a day

·         Important because it shows the hardwork

Page 47:

·         “Sister… how I have betrayed you.”

·         Reference to the stone

·         Ruined legs and pain

Page 49:

·         Still painful legs and cannot move

·         Mom tells luigi no one can hurt him

·         Mom wants children to know pure laughter

Fine Groceries

Page 52:

·         No money

·         Express sympathy

·         Grocer and child speak of their Christian Faith and that they will pray for each other

Room 302

Page 54:

·         Paul wanders to hospital

·         Uncle looks sickly

·         Concern

·         Family asks the Lord for their father back

·         Family is hungry and needs him. They are dependent on their dad and no longer have that

·         “We love him- we are hungry- we need him….”

Page 56:

·         Insisting to see Father John

·         Must offer great wisdom and or comfort

·         Children feel as thought they are suffering and explain how father died

·         Denied to see Father John because he is too young

·         Children think the church can fix suffering

Page 59:

·         Children enjoy strawberry cake with father John

·         Father John states, “We will pray for you.. we will pray for your strength.”

·         “Dear little son, we are the unfortunates under the skies of God.”

·         Father John tries to explain bad things happen, but we must overcome

Page 60:

·         Annunziata expresses her sorrows and how the home is different without Geremio

·         “In the home of Geremio stomachs have become wounds…, senses have become famished mouths…”

·         Annunziata still considers the home HIS home

Page 63:

·         Uncle believes he has failed the children

·         Feels uneducated and not doing enough labor

·         He feels regret and like it his job to help

Page 64:

·         They sing “sunshine of a smile”

·         Mood lightens up here and there is some hope

Page 69:

·         Nothing too significant, but addresses the labor

·         Hard labor is shown

·         He is happy he got the job done and feels accomplished

Page 70:

·         Although the brick laying is hard, Paul does not mind the aches

·         Maybe it comes with the job and a new mentality

·         Appreciates work and knows it must be done

Page 72:

·         More brick laying

·         “Fear no one, The trowel of your good spirit father is sainted and lays bricks of itself”

·         Paul is always being looked after by his father

Page 75:

·         “Spilling our blood to get this gold”

·         Work gets more intense and the demand to get the contract is real

·         There is an intensity readers feel for Paul and the other workers

Page 77:

·         The brick layers must pee on their hands

·         This is an odd method

·         The natural salt found in urine heals the skin on the brick layer’s hands

·         Old home remedies

Page 79:

·         Paul thinks the men were good to him and he has successful work

·         He explains everything to mother Annunziata

·         Paul is different than his dad Geremio. Geremio never told anything about work conditions

Page 80:

·         Paul makes it seem as though the work was nothing, he falls asleep early and looks drained

·         Mom caters to Paul and carries him to bed like a baby

·         Maybe Mom wants to protect him and preserve that childness in him. She doesn’t want to lose him to this rough work

Page 83:

·         Paul also explains every detail of work to Luigi

·         He does not keep anything a secret

·         Luigi still looks unwell

Page 85:

·         Irony in Luigi sensing being ill. “Nurse- Nurse… I sense badly”

·         Predictions about death

·         Operation is needed to save his life

·         Family is going through hard emotions and do not want to relive another death

Page 87:

·         Luigi has a sense of power and authority

·         He questions “do they know who I am… to take me as a Christian.”

·         Does not want to be hurt, but knows the doctor must act quickly

Page 88:

·         Luigi screams he must live

·         He is desperate

·         Luigi expresses his sincere thankfulness to Paul

Page 90:

·         Paul is valued as the first born

·         He has big shoes to fill

·         Known as the “little master”

·         Paul’s physical work abilities are getting weaker and weaker, but he has big shoes to fill

Page 91:

·         Paul knew he was becoming ill

·         He does not want to disappoint

·         This is hard for Paul to accept

Page 94:

·         Paul is seen by a doctor and the doctor tells him basic remedies to fell better

·         “No more activity” Paul must rest

·         Paul and Annina wrestle with this idea

·         The doctor did not ask for money -> he was understanding and knew how hard paul was working


Page 97:

·         Annunziata is yet again seen as “babying” Paul

·         She clings to him closely as she fears the worst

·         Paul still lays in bed recovering and not making much progress

·         On the tenth day, he starts to look better

Page 99:

·         Geremio is referenced and more healing remedies are offered

·         Family is still concerned

Page 101:

·         It took three weeks for Paul to feel well enough to visit family

·         The visit was joyful and well needed

·         Sister… I feel in my heart… the storm is come and is gone”

·         Paul feels hopeful and thinks he can go back to work

·         The worst is over and life goes on

Page 102:

·         Sexual reference

·         “…you cannot conceive how peculiar I feel when the nurse undresses me”

·         Humor in this statement – Cola laughs really hard

·         Mood lightens

Page 105:

·         Vivid image of the young girl

·         Shows how poor and ill looking girl was

·         Shows lack of food


Page 106:

·         Crippled wants Paul to stay

·         Paul as a charm to him, despite it the rough edges

·         Positive energy

Page 108: 

·         The voice of the woman

·         Spirits coming out

·         Crippled believes there is a message to said

Page 110:

·         The crippled seems to talk to the spirits and knows what they want

·         The crippled tells Geremios family that the blessings would not be taken care of, but to ask questions before his spirt leaves

·         Mama wants to know if he is happy


Page 112:

·         Mother is grateful for the cripple

·         She feels some sense of closer

·         The crippled is sensitive to what the family can repay them as she knows they are poor

Page 113:

·         Signs that Geremio’s spirit is with the family

·         Paul cannot sleep and Geremio is “there” in the light

·         The crippled may have been up to something much bigger

Page 114:

·         Paul is cautious and does not risk anything even when it is fun

·         Paul fears the waters, but questions why the River is made if it causes harm

·         He questions God, but still has no desire to close to the water

Page 117:

·         Paul meets someone just like him

·         8th grade and Italian

·         The boy explains how he was not born in the states

·         They discuss how the boy got to the states and Paul is very curious

Page 118:

·         Paul continues to conversate with new boy and realizes he speaks Hebrew as well

·         Paul is not familiar, but continues to learn more

·         Paul is welcomed for tea and Pumpernickel bread 

Page 120:

·         The new boy and his brother seem educated on science and physics

·         Paul seems shocked, but interested


Page 122:

·         Building of the compensation Bureau

·         Descriptions of malnourishment

Information, Informatzione

Page 123:

·         “Is this where they will repay me for my Geremio.”

·         He cannot be “repaid” for. There is nothing that can replace him

·         Death claim

Page 125:

·         Foreman

·         Arguments that Geremio was warned and strict orders were given for safety

·         Sorrow for children

Page 126:

·         “… when not supervised they get their selves into all sorts of trouble.”

·         Stereotypes?

·         Company policy

·         Children were heartbroken they would return home to be hungry yet again

Page 127:

·         …”for without it we are dumb and blind”

·         Important to learn English

·         Claim that Geremio death was a plan

Page 128:

·         “O God above, what country are we in?

·         Injustice

·         Sin



Page 21: Couldn’t break the news about Geremio’s death

Page 25: Still doesn’t know about Geremio

Page 27: Geremio - Born – Died

Page 33: Annunziata tried to suicide?

Oldest son saved her and calmed her down
She’s depress
Page 39: Gives birth again (name Geremio)

Luigi cares for the family

Page 42: Annunziata worried about how the family will survive without Geremio (financially)

Page 43: Paul (oldest son) tries to support the family
Page 47: Luigi injured

Page 48: Luigi tries to find work to support Geremio’s family
Page 52: Paul tries to find a job
Page 58: Seek help from father (church)

Page 66: Tries to get the same job as his father
Page 68: Geremio’s trowel (might get a job with it)

Gets taught how to become a bricklayer

Page 71-74                                                                              

Geremio really wanted to start working as a bricklayer because he wanted to start supporting his family since his father died but Mister Giovanni Rinaldi said he was too small and he should be in school. He finally gives in and gives Paul a chance.           

Page 76-80

Paul been working and suddenly he feels really hurt. Swelling and pain

“O God how it hurts- but I must not let them see I have hurt myself already-I must lay brick!”         

He acts like he has no pain in front of everyone because he wants to keep the job    

Page 83: He got paid only $5 (I think he was underpaid?)
“why why why why? Had they given him only five dollars?”

Page 85-86: Doctors have to operate on Luigi

Paul thinks Luigi is going to die he’s worried
Page 92-93: Paul asking why he only got $5

He couldn’t accept his payment of $5 he’s worth more and complains

Paul is sick, and a doctor comes to see him

Page 97-100: Paul felt way better after a couple days of bed rest.

Page 101: Paul would return to his job soon and Luigi gets money from his work insurance since he is injured right now.

Page 104: They go visit his father, her husband

Page 105: Missus Nichols?

Page 108-112: They go to a place where they can “speak to Geremio”. They “summon” Geremio’s soul into the lady (Cripple)

Communicating with spirits

Paul and his mom begins to ask questions to Geremio

Page 114-115: Swimming?

Page 117: Paul made a friend? They start talking about random stuff

Page 124-127: They are at a court? For his father’s death

Saying how Geremio killed himself to get money for his family



-          “Annunziata, help us, the world is ending”

-          The women don’t know where their husbands are, if alive or dead, you can feel the fear and worry through the words

-          It’s Holy Saturday and the boys go to the site where the building collapsed, they pray they do not find any more bodies

-          Pain of their ignorance

-          “The wop”

-          Insensitivity to death

-          Police officials lack of sympathy for the situation, as if a FATHER is just another animal they found on the street

-          Love children had for father

-          Death and reactions to death

-          Annun. pregnant and widowed

-          Looking for sign and help from God

-          Author focuses heavily on female physicality

-          Paul cannot handle the pain

-          Grief, loss, how to cope


-          Annunziata uses justification to cope

-          Believes God does everything for reason

-          “Died for us”

-          Paul wants to fill the footprints his father left behind

-          Annunziata sleeps feeling the hollowness next to her and awakens to life kicking within her.

-          “His and mine” the life within death and vice versa

-          The baby is born and named after Geremio

-          Complications, births back then were much more difficult

-          Boundaries between the women and the boys “this is no place for men”

-          Pain as a widow shadowed the birth

45- 61:

-          Luigi worried about financial state of family

-          He is injured while at work

-          Occupations of the time were dangerous and risky

-          Everything going wrong

-          Sadness sets on Paul

-          Annunziata continues to reach for god

-          Faithfulness in pain

-          Spiral of difficult events

-          No money

-          Children forced to worry about money

-          Not even church helps

-          Ironic considering Annunziata’s faithfulness in god

-          Widow dreaming of husband, coping mechanisms

-          Children finding comfort in closeness of each other (Paul in bed)


-          Paul rises to care for household

-          Follows in footsteps that killed his father

-          Vicious cycle of poverty and dangerous living conditions continues to next generation

-          Finds solace in work, finally food

-          Paul is very young but does not have a choice

-          Nazone mentors Paul

-          Fills void of dead father, Geremio?

-          Paul feels random pains, results from working so hard

-          Unfairness and brutality of the situation- only receives $5

-          Things still continue to go wrong- Luigi’s leg is amputated

-          Pain of loss still present and governs Annunziata

-          Paul so sick and needs Dr

-          Tolls of overworking at his age

-          Effects of child rising to do what father cannot

97- 128:

-          Paul forced to take days off

-          Working was counter-effective

-          Now he could not work

-          Things feel calm for a moment as he rests

-          Tenement living was common and unfortunate

-          Faith in Christ vs. difficult living conditions/tenements

-          Lice the norm

-          Court now involved with Geremio’s death

-          Why now?

-          Annunziata and Paul visit medium

-          Coping mechanism

-          Eerie vibes

-          Connection with Geremio

-          Dead depicted in happiness

-          Man proud of man, even though Paul became ill?

-          Paul likes a girl

-          But soon realizes he has aged faster than other boys

-          Trauma of father’s death aged children

-          Meets Jewish Louis

-          Bonded immigrants, shared experiences

-          Family goes to Court

-          After all the grief it does not end yet, they enter Bureau with worry

-          Chaos and conflict among society of time

-          Italian stereotypes used against a family already in pain

-          Unfairness against immigrants, even in time of loss and sadness


Pg 21: Annuziata finds out something has gone wrong when Angelina (Julio's wife apparently) comes to her house asking if Geremio has come home and telling them that Julio is badly injured and lies in the hospital.
Pg 22: Word reaches them that Tomas is dead.
Geremio's children Paul and Maria go to the police station with Bessie Donavan.
Pg 23: Police tell Paul the building Geremio was building collapsed but there's nothing to worry about the police are looking for him, he will be found.
Pg 24: Ci Luigi sobs when he hears what happened. Paul says his father is just hiding.
Tomorrow is Easter and Annuziata is waiting.
Pg 25: Easter dawn. Police come to Annuziata's house. Easter morning. Paul goes to the police station. The police tell him his father is dead.

Ch 2:
Pg 26: "Arrived" Geremio's dead body arrives at his house.
And now job calls him no more.
Pg 27: Geremio's funeral
Pg 29: Ci Luigi talks to Geremio's corpse, " But why, Geremio- but why?"
Geremio's burial. Paul feels the dirt being planted upon his father on himself.
Pg 30: Paul doesn't want to leave father's grave.
Pg 31: "Papa-papa-papapa rise". Paul collapsed and Cu Luigi picks him up.
Good bye, Geremio. To God, Geremio.

Chapter 3:
Pg 33: Annuziata crying at night. Worried about the kids Paul wakes up comforts her, "I shall be the father-"

Chapter 4
Pg 35: Annuziata wakes up, ready to go into labor. Local woman come to help.
Pg 37: Annuziata in labor, ‘Why do I love and give love when there is no Getemio to halls my hand?’
Pg 38: Baby stuck. Iron instruments are used. Baby is born.
Pg 39: It's a boy. Annuziata
Pg 40: Annuziata looks at her son and smiles as tears drip from her eyes.
Pg 41: The poor had visited the poor. Annuziata hears her new name- the widow Anniziata.
Pg 42: Annuziata thinks, ‘We are already avoided for we have nothing to give but our need, to whom do we turn to?’
Pg 43: Paul thinks, Mother my life is now your shield.
Pg 44: Luigi tells Annuziata they have no money but not to worry for he will always help her and her kids.

Chapter 5
Pg 45: Luigi calculating in his head the money he can earn and the expenses.
Pg 46: Luigi on the job, chopping stone into bread.
Pg 47: Luigi slips on the job and breaks his legs. Paul comes to see him in the hospital.
Ci Luigi, "It hurt my heart more..."
Pg 48: Luigi dreams of his job and Geremio.
Pg 49: Luigi sees Annuziata and the children in his dream and they look disappointed. Luigi, It was not I who betrayed you, it was someone stronger than you and me.

Chapter 6
Pg 50: Annuziata prays to God for mercy. She is worried for her children, who will bring home their food.
Pg 51:  Annuziata does not eat. Paul knows it's because there is nothing to eat. Paul leaves the house to find food
Pg 52: Paul asks grocer for food but he declines. He cannot give him work either. Grocer tells Paul to go see Father John for he may help.
Pg 53: Paul goes into a building with a sign reading Muncipal building Justice Equality. Enters the room marked Overseer of the poor. Tells of their situation but is denied help for his father was not a citizen.
Pg 54: Paul visits Luigi. Luigi notices he is weak and hasn't eaten. He beats his casts and cries.  Paul goes upto the police station on his way home and hears a voice laughing, the same voice that had informed him of his father's death.  Paul goes to the church and begs the Lord to bring him his father back for they love him and need him.
Pg 55: Paul sees Dame Katarina at the Church steps who offered him food and money but he declined saying the priest may give him food.
Pg 56: An old man of the church says Paul cannot see Father John now and that he should come next week.
Pg 57: Dame Katerina made the old man let Paul in to see the Father. Paul saw father John eating delicious food.
Pg 58: Paul told him of their need but the Father said he was not responsible for charities.
Pg 59: Father John sent Paul away with only strawberry cake and good wishes. Dame Katerina pitied Paul on hearing this and gave him the bread and money.
Pg 60: Paul went home and put his tired sorrowful mother to sleep and laid thinking in bed himself.

Chapter 7
Pg 62: Paul woke up early the next morning and left home with his father's trowel.
Pg 63: Paul went to see his uncle Luigi who noticed the trowel under his overcoat and cried and kissed his hands and gave it back to him.
Pg 64: Paul went to his father's worksite where Geremio's friends were seated. They asked Paul to join him.
Pg 65: One of the men, Nazone, offered Paul some chicken. He ate it.  How good, God! How good!
Pg 66: Others then gave him food as well. Paul told them he wanted to become a brick layer like his father. One man said he was too young but Nazone supported him.
Pg 67: Nazone said he would talk to the corporation for him.
Pg 69: Paul was training by the mortar box where he made a brick corner as tall as himself. Not perfect but he did it.
Pg 70: The corner had been buried under new bricks dumped by truck. Paul told his mother at home that he had found what would bring them food.
Pg 71: Paul begs Mr.Rinaldi to let him work.
Pg 72: Paul would not go so Nazone called him told him to lay brick anyway while the others watched.
Pg 73: Nazone, "Mark you how a bricklayer's son inherits the art"
Pg 74: Annuziata is worried when she sees Paul come home dirtied with cement. He assures her nothing will happen to him.
Pg 76: Paul goes to work again and gets hurt on the job but proceeds to work not letting anyone find out he's hurt. Nazone helps him.
Pg 79: Nazone asks Paul to be his godson. Paul agrees. Paul comes home, no longer a child, as his mother watches.
Pg 80: Annuziata prays for her son. Paul's bones ache the next morning as he goes to work.
Pg 81: Paul to himself on payday, how sweet would be the bread his flesh had earned.
Pg 83: Paul received only 5 dollars.
Paul Luigi on hearing this, " O men men you are cowardly blind and put to shame by children."

Chapter 8
Pg 85: Doctors tell Paul Luigi's leg must be cut off to save his life.
Pg 86: Luigi fears death and thinks he will die.
Pg 88: Luigi's operation was successful. He made out the faces of Paul and Annuziata. Luigi to Paul, "Paul, son of Geremio. Paul... Paul of Job."
Pg 89: 'She is my mother..!'
Paul and the family go to church and talk of Geremio.
Pg 90: Paul is called names at the job. He is scolded. He messes up and his body could no longer take the burden of job. He still tries his best to keep up with the men.
Pg 91: On payday Paul feels ill and at the end of the day feels broken and only received 5 dollars again.
Pg 92: Paul tells Mister Rinaldi he deserves more. Rinaldi agrees but says "That's the way the world is".
Paul to his mother, "Mama, mama, they gave me only five dollars and I feel so small and everything aches..."
Pg 93: Paul starts screaming in his sleep, "I can't do it! - I can't pay it". His mother calls a doctor.
Pg 94: Paul to his mother "Someone was chasing me- like I owed them a billion dollars and only had a penny- oh mama..."

Chapter 1:
Pg 97: Paul resting and thinking.
Pg 98: He became spectator to the atmosphere in which he always lived. His godfather aids them.
Pg 99: Paul describes the smell of the different families and talks of one girl who often comes to see him and made him feel quite uneasy.
Pg 100: Paul thought, 'So different were people. Did not Job claim them all? They like me are children of Christ.'

Chapter 2
Pg 101: Luigi is better. Job insurance will pay him 5 dollars weekly. He says, "I feel in my heart the storm has come and gone."
Pg 102; Luigi had lice he is embarrassed of. Annuziata and Cola receive letters regarding their husbands' deaths.
Pg 103: Fame Katarina says not to sign the letters and go to Court and demand food for yourselves and your children. They agree.

Chapter 3:
Pg 104: Annuziata and Paul go to see a woman who communicates with the dead, 'The Cripple'.
Pg 105: Paul and Annuziata wait for four hours in the Cripple's strange home.
Pg 106: They get called in to see the Cripple.
Pg 108: The cripple starts communicating with the spirit world, first she sees an old woman but she is pushed away by a strong handsome man who is eager to communicate with Paul and Annuziata.
Pg 109: It is Geremio. He says he is happy, in Paradise, and he watches over them.
Pg 110: They pray and Geremio says their prayers will be answered.
Pg 111: Geremio says he felt no pain in death when Paul asks if he did. Paul cries tears of relief on hearing this. Geremio is proud of Paul and the man he's become. He says they will be alright.
Pg 112: Theyvhave tea with the Cripple. First time they have tea since Geremio's death.
Pg 113: Annuziata and Paul tell the kids of a father that never left them. Paul cries tears of joy. Paul, 'Now that you told me and mama that you were not frightened and that you went when you had to go... I don't feel the building on you, and me..'
A consciousness told them that. . . The living do not die.

Chapter 4:
Pg 114: Boys swimming in river. Paul is afraid of drowning. Wondering why God created rivers.
Pg 115: Paul sees Gloria who he and the other boys find attractive. She talks to him. She makes him nervous and does something to his stomach and he doesn't know what to say. Paul always saw girls at a distance, and above him.
Pg 116: The Jewish boy that lives across the street from Paul gets into a fight with other boys. Paul watches him from his window.
Pg 117: Paul goes to the Jewish boys, Louis's house and they talk and bond.
Pg 119: Louis talks of his peace-loving brother and how he was shot and killed by soldiers during the world war.
Pg 120: Louis speaks of the killings and deaths he witnessed in Russia.
Pg 121: They decide to go to the cemetery together on Memorial Day.

Chapter 5:
Pg 122: Annuziata and the children head to the Compensation Bureau in Head-of-Pig's wagon.
Pg 123: Annuziata looked at the other Poe people there. In their meek faces of hurt and hunger Annuziata saw herself and her children.
Pg 124: Paul and Annuziata gaze at Mr.Murdin, Geremio's boss but he does not even look at them.
Pg 125: Mr.Murdin lies and blames Geremio for the accident.
Why why why didn't the building fall also on Murdin?
Pg 126: Annuziata can't say much because she doesn't know English. Murdin says, "I didn't kill him" about Geremio.
Pg 127: 'The smiles that made them feel they were un-Godly and greasy pagan Christians’, the people of the Compensation Bureau.
Pg 128: 'Born in sin.'


·        p. 21 –

o       “halted frightened”

o       “Annunziata, where is Master Geremio…when comes he…?”

o       “…what has happened”

·        p. 22 –

o       “…distant symphony” è”human metronome”

o       Women crying

o       Announcing Tomas’ death

·        p. 23 –

o       Police telling Paul to believe his father is safe…and alive

§        Paul telling Annunziata that there is nothing to worry about about Geremio

o       ““Praise Jesu that Geremio is alive in hiding…””

o       Whither?

o       “Annunziata rocked…our child soon to come…”

o       “…he’ll get outta it”

o       “Geremio has bought a home.”


·        p. 24 –

o       Holy Saturday and Easter

o       Paul not understanding why the police would lie

o       Annunziata asking God why Geremio

o       “”Geremio, we wait…we await thee…””

·        p. 25 –

o       Radiator to preserve warmth

o       Geremio’s death is in the paper

·        p. 27 –

o       “Home has come for the Dead!”??

o       GEREMIO – BORN – DIED -

·        p. 28 –

o       Children crying and cannot sleep as they did before

·        p. 29 –

o       Geremio did not kiss them to bed

o       Annunziata questioning why again

o       “…earth on his body-earth suffocating his mouth and earth crushing his soul. Earth was a terrible thing…And now a still man, dignified by death.”

·        p. 30 –

o       Annunziata and Germio’s wedding feels like just yesterday

§        ““A yesterday of twenty years””

·        p. 32 –

o       Funeral for Geremio

o       “Quiet my heart, and my music sings that drifts my senses and drains my blood. My children weep. Weep, for I know not how. Weep, for you have cause. Weep, for our light is cold.”

·        p. 33 –

o       Annunziata’s nightmares

o       Calling out for her husband

o       Belief in heaven

o       Paul repeating that he will be the father

o       “…but nowhere are we separate…and then to join you. Join you. And her hand caressed the bed hallowed of his form

·        p. 36 –

o       Swimming in own blood??

·        p. 39 –

o       “it is a boy!”

o       Only women are allowed in the labor room

·        p. 41 –

o       “Time will heal.”

o       “Then came stories…Of how, and when, she, and he, and they, had meth death…At home, or far, or at birth, or in dismal hospital, or on Job, and what they said before they left, and why.”!

·        p. 42 –

o       Baby’s name is Geremino; after Geremio

·        p. 44 –

o       “…eight pillars for whom I must live.”

o       ““For them you must live.””

o       “And I know he hovers above me aiding me to protect his and mine – and then to join him.”

·        p. 48 –

o       Luigi is injured on the job and is rushed to the hospital

·        p. 50 –

o       “God of my fathers, God of my girlhood, God of my mating, God of my innocent children, upon your sacred bosom I lay my voice…God of my life, death and spirit…Amen.”

o       Blessed all 6 children that were in the bed

o       Not enough food for all 9 of them without a father working

·        p. 51 –

o       Annunziata does not eat because there is not enough food

o       “Father’s hands were our home…father-father, I am scared!”

o       Paul, Annina, Lucia, Giorgio, Joseph, Adela, Johnny, Geremino

·        p. 54 –

o       “We love him – we are hungry – we need him…”

·        p. 60 –

o       ““In the home of Geremio the air has become hunger. In the home of Geremio stomachs have become wounds. In the home of Geremio senses have become famished mouths. In the home of Geremio hearts have become swollen vessels and eyes ceaseless falls…in the home of Geremio the love of Geremio has become rising mountains.””

·        p. 85 –

o       “Luigi awoke fevered” and calls out for a nurse

o       Leg must be amputated

o       Doctors promise Paul that he will be okay

·        p. 86 –

o       ““Brother-brother, you will not die. Brother-brother, courage of Christ””

·        p. 88 –

o       “Doctor let me live”!

o       Luigi is anesthetized

o       “I am alive. Jesu…Giuseppe…Mari, blessings to thee.”

·        p. 89 –

o       “”Ave Maria””

·        p. 92 –

o       ““Mister Rinalidi, we cant do anything with five dollars – oh please, Mr. Rinalidi, am I not worth more than five dollars? Oh please, I can’t go home with only five dollars…””

o       ““It is the Jesu who keeps us living and not their golf, my boy. I would rather starve than for you to weep.””

·        p. 94 –

o       ““Strained heart, missus. Rest and quiet. More nourishment, and no more Cops and Robbers. Cut out coffee and exercise for a good long while…””



·        p. 97 –

o       “Paul remained in bed for days”

o       “He felt like one who was never born and would never die, and as he tried to stay away darkness was closing over him.”

o       “His heartbeat was more regular, his bruise hands healed, and he felt no pains. When he got up from bed he was weak and heavy.”

·        p. 98 –

o       “He became spectator to the atmosphere in which he had always lived.”

o       “Tenement was a twelve-family house.”

·        p. 99 –

o       “”Whatcha doin’…? Play with me?””

·        p. 101 –

o       Luigi and Paul recuperating

o       Paul adamant about helping out

§        “I’ll grow.”

§        “…I will help. I will help.”

·        p. 102 –

o       ““Even big strong men are like children.””

·        p. 105 –

o       ““Home Sweet Home.””

o       Annunziata and Paul have been waiting and away from home for 4 hours

·        p. 107 –

o       Why does ‘The Cripple’ need her wedding ring?




·        p. 109 –

o       “He says, I kiss my wife and children. “Annunziata softly cried: “Geremio!” She reached out from her living world and up to the spirit world.””

o       “He wants for you specially not to weep too much”

o       Relief

o       ““Oh, what a beautiful message!” … “He says that he never left you, and never will. He says he’s watchin’ you with his endearing love every minute and that he’s doin’ all in his power from the spirit woild to protect and help you…the wish of your heart’s desire.”

·        p. 110 –

o       Praying to God for peace and happiness

o       Geremio is listening

o       The accident wasn’t painful

o       “God needed him.”

·        p. 111 –

o       Geremio will protect the family

o       Geremio will protect his boy

o       Geremio says not to worry

o       Geremio will always e with them, he never left

·        p. 113 –

o       Asking Geremio’s forgiveness

·        p. 115

o       Paul becomes the father figure in the family

·        p. 117 –

o       Appreciation for different languages

·        p. 118 –

o       Paul and Louis become friends

§        Bond for the deaths’ of immediate family members

·        p. 119 –

o       Reminiscing over late brother Leov

·        p. 120 –

o       Louis saying he has seen someone drown is surprising

o       ““Dead; swollen, blue.””

·        p. 122 –

o       Head-of-pig?

·        p. 124 –

o       Neglecting Geremio’s family

·        p. 128 –

o       “Born in sin…Born in sin…Born in sin…Born in sin.”