Italian American Literature and Film
Prof. Fabio Girelli-Carasi


Reading    Mario Puzo  The Godfather

BOOK 1  (chapters 1 - 11)   In my edition of the book it is about 150 pages.

I know it sounds a lot, but it is really easy reading, and it keeps your attention without much effort.


WRITING    Use this template  CLICK HERE

One of the most interesting aspects of this novel is the way "they" (namely Mafia) justify and excuse their activities.

It is not just a justification, it is a real "IDEOLOGY," and it is very much aligned with the ideology of success in America.

Their argument is that, as a minority, they have been shut out of legitimate success in society, either in business or in professional and political sectors.

Yet, among them there are very smart, capable and entrepreneurial individuals who could compete with the best and the brightest. But the only stage where they were allowed to show their skills was crime.

Also, very interesting, is how they see themselves. For example: in chapter 1, Buonasera would like don Corleone to kill someone on his behalf. The godfather answers that they are NOT murderers.  Really? What are they, then? And yet, this gives us an opening on their way of thinking about themselves and the world.

1) FIND in the pages of  The Godfather  at least one passage when this ideology is expressed; or a quotation that reveals how they see themselves. What do we learn from this particular quotation.

BLOG counts as writing assignment.