Prof. Fabio Girelli-Carasi





1) Screen the shorts  The Black Hand  and The Skyscrapers of New York

2) READ:   Son of Italy   pages 1 - 44.

3)  STUDY GUIDES -- These are old quizzes from previous classes. They can provide a useful guide for your readings and screenings.  Some of these documents are not fully formatted, but the content is correct.

Cartoons   New Orleans    Shorts     Son of Italy   


STUDY GUIDE: in the future I will assign TAKING NOTES as part of your REQUIRED work

SON OF ITALY   EXAMPLE OF NOTE TAKING  (for an even better example of note-taking CLICK HERE)

  1. Early years in Italy, poverty, superstition. The vampire.
  2. Arriving in USA. No statue of liberty, why? straight to work, forests. The gang's members.
  3. (68) we didn't think abt learning English. Why not? LANGUAGE
  4. (71) FOUR YEARS monotonous and nothing happens  List of places where they worked.
  5. (74) New York: like a dog watching sunset.
  6. (76) Shady side  I was happy when I was ignorant.
  7. (78) prostitutes
  8. (81) Fear of going alone. They stick together
  9. Mott street: Wallet story. Why is it so important?
  10. There are negroes in the south.
  11. (99) West Virginia
  12. (103) commissary system -- ferocious negroes.
  13. (104) all this in free America
  14. (106) accident  --- something had grown in me. Like a drug addiction.
  15. Wheelbarrow
  16. (118) foremen carry guns.
  17. (126) resigned to be a dago
  18. (128) by accident my life took a strange turn. Spanish then English
  19. (130) Bowery Theather cannot write in Italian
  20. (134) noticed bcs speaks English
  21. (137) Sheepshaed Bay  Aida
  22. Violin story
  23. (145) a laborer could never rise
  24. (148)  New York now has meaning.
  25. (156) the lesson of america: i had faith in myself
  26. The letter to the editor.

"I had faith in myself. Without realizing it, I had learned the greatest lesson of America: I had learned to have faith in the future. No matter how bad things were, a turn would inevitably come- as long as I did not give up. I was sure of it. But how much I had to suffer until change came! What a thorny heartbreaking road it was!"


Son of Italy
and the crucial question concerning culture, native culture and becoming acculturated.

Early immigrants from Italy did not think they were immigrating.They thought they were going to work to a very far away place, make some money and return home. Their goal was always to return. The fear was that something would prevent them from returning. Then, they realized that, in most cases, only those who failed were going back. They found themselves trapped. Not enough success to return home and live off their earnings.

Nor did they have a “dream,” the so-called American Dream. They were running away from a nightmare and that was enough for them.

Many of them found another nightmare, a nightmare they were not prepared for. In addition to the same torments of physical exhaustion, exploitation and often poverty, they discovered alienation and the trauma of being away from anything familiar. These were not people who traveled much in their first lives. They became heartbroken, depressed, despondent.

Pascal seems to be saying that, in the best of cases, being an immigrant was some kind of purgatory. If you passed the tribulations, if you endured, if you were willing to give up your native identity and go through the process of assimilation, you would become an American. And if you wanted to survive, prosper, there was no other way but to become American. You cannot live in two places, in America in your daily life and in Italy in your heart and soul. If you do so, you go mad.

Pascal identity switch is represented by the switch of linguistic code., Language is a fundamental dimension of identity. Going from Italian to English means that his soul has undergone a metamorphosis. His artistic temperament exists in the English dimension, for an English audience. He has learned how to talk to them because he has become one of them. But, he does not consider that a success.