



    START WITH THIS EXERCISE: listen to the soundfile and write the INFINITIVE form of the verbs

Now only in writing:

1) Grab a sheet of paper and translate the verb forms listed below.

2) Check your answers against the answer key (bottompage)
  •  This soundfile contains the list of verb forms in the table below. Listen and try to translate instantly without looking at the table. There is pause of about 6-7 seconds between each verb form.

we exist she asks
we read PL you believe
they put I exist
I offend S you read
P you lose  (P plural) he puts
she cries we offend
we take I lose
I take P you cry
they receive I  take (to pick up)
we answer they promise
S you repeat (S singular) we  receive
they write we repeat
P you sell P you respond
She lives I  write
they see P you see
we lose We take
S you believe they live

Answer key
scroll below








Answer key
noi esistiamo lei domanda
noi leggiamo voi credete
loro mettono io  esisto
io offendo tu  leggi
voi perdete lui mette
lei piange noi offendiamo
noi prendiamo io  perdo
io  prendo voi  piangete
loro ricevono io prendo
noi domandiamo loro promettono
tu ripeti noi riceviamo
loro scrivono noi ripetiamo
voi vendete voi rispondete
lei vive io  scrivo
loro vedono voi  vedete
noi perdiamo noi prendiamo
tu  credi loro  vivono
I placed the answer key here instead of in a pop up window on purpose, to force you to go back and forth and in so doing reinforce your recollection.