Learning - Psychology 53.1
Dr. Delamater
Sample Multiple Choice Questions - Exam  #2

1.  Preexposure to the CS or the US
    a.  has little effect on later associative learning.
    b.  facilitates later associative learning.
    c.  retards later associative learning.
    d.  CS-preexposure facilitates later associative learning. US preexposure retards later learning.

2.  "Blocking" occurs when
    a.  prior conditioning of stimulus A is enhanced by the addition of stimulus B in further training.
    b.  prior conditioning of stimulus A is disrupted by the addition of stimulus B in further training.
    c.  prior conditioning of stimulus A enhances the conditioning of the added stimulus B in further training.
    d.  prior conditioning of stimulus A disrupts the conditioning of the added stimulus B in further training.

3.  If fear conditioned to a CS is extinguished, the value of V assumed by the Rescorla-Wagner model would be ______  and the value of the suppression ratio in a CER test would be _____.
    a.  0.0; 0.5.
    b.  0.0; 0.0.
    c.  0.5; -1.0.
    d.-1.0; 0.5.

4. Which of the following is a sensory preconditioning procedure?
    a. tone -> light pairings followed by light -> shock pairings followed by a test with tone.
    b. tone -> light pairings followed by light -> shock pairings followed by a test with light.
    c.  light -> shock pairings followed by tone -> light pairings followed by a test with tone.
    d. light -> shock pairings followed by tone -> light pairings followed by a test with light.

5. Bouton & King (1983) demonstrated a "renewal" effect by showing that  Ö
    a. Extinction is context-specific.
    b. Extinction is not context-specific.
    c. Extinction results in low levels of conditioned responding.
    d. Extinction results in unlearning.