Learning - Psychology 53.1
Dr. Delamater
Sample Multiple Choice Questions - Final

1.  If a rat trained to expect food in Goal Box 1 of a double runway apparatus suddenly did not find food there, the rat will run...
    a.  slower towards Goal Box 2 because it is frustrated.
    b.  faster towards Goal Box 2 because it is frustrated.
    c.   slower towards Goal Box 2 because it is hungry.
    d.  faster towards Goal Box 2 because it is hungry.

2.  The Premack principle asserts that access to ____ always reinforces ____.
    a.  a low probability activity; a high probability activity.
    b.  food; activities such as playing a pinball machine.
    c.  a high probability activity; a low probability activity.
    d.  any primary reinforcer; any other behavior.

3.  Amsel's explanation for the partial reinforcement extinction effect differs from Capaldiís in thatÖ
     a. Capaldi assumed that frustration was the cause of the effect.
     b. Amsel thought that rats learned that reinforcement could occur when frustrated.
     c. Amsel thought that rats learned that reinforcement could occur after nonreinforcement.
     d. All of the above.

4.  The melioration theory of matching states that ...
     a. momentary probabilities of reinforcement govern response choice.
     b. Individuals try to equalize the behavioral cost of obtaining reinforcement from different sources.
     c. Individuals use molar feedback to govern response choice.
     d. Individuals try to optimize their chances of obtaining reinforcement.

5.  The main point of the Shettleworth (1975) study was to show that...
    a.  some responses benefit more from any type of reinforcement than others.
    b.  some forms of reinforcement work better than others.
    c.  the state of hunger can be reinforcing.
    d.  some combinations of response and reinforcement are better learned than others.

6.  Which of the following training conditions will be most sensitive to the effects of reward devaluation upon instrumental responding?
    a.  a moderate amount of training on a VI schedule.
    b.  an extended amount of training on a VI schedule.
    c.  a moderate amount of training on a VR schedule.
    d.  an extended amount of training on a VR schedule.