The shape of the distribution

We can tell something important about the data by looking at the overall shape of the distribution. For example, we sometimes find that a frequency polygon yields the familiar bell-shaped curve.

Table 5.6
An example of a symmetrical distribution.

In this distribution, most of the cases are in the middle, around the central tendency in the distribution (more about central tendency later). There are only a few cases at either extreme.

If there are a few cases at one extreme, we call the distribution skewed. If the extreme cases are at the positive end of the scale, with larger values, then the distribution is said to be positively skewed.

Table 5.6
An example of a positively skewed distribution.

If the extreme cases are at the negative end of the scale, with smaller values, the distribution is negatively skewed.

Table 5.7
An example of a negatively skewed distribution.
