Fabio Girelli-Carasi
this files also contains
SCADENZA quindici giugno
duemila sedici COMPITO SCRITTO FILENAME: nome-italiano.15giugno (only RTF, DOC or DOCX) COMPITO ORALE FILENAME: nome-italiano.15giugno.audio (mp3 and compatible) EMAIL SUBJECT: compito quindici giugno duemila sedici |
YELLOW HIGHLIGHT: REQUIRED BLUE HIGHLIGHT: DO IT BUT DON'T TURN IT IN task 1 Copy and paste the following statement: "Compiti with the wrong filename and/or email subject will be deleted" task 2: REFLECTION: what kind of mistakes did you make in the previous compito that you could have easily avoided? What was the cause: lack of attention? You didn't put enough time in it? You already have some holes in your preparation (didn't pay much attention earlier) and now they are piling up? |
ARTICOLO Read the article WRITE the correct spelling of each item mentioned. If you do not know what those words refer to, do a vocabulary search and write the meaning. RECORD the correct words with the correct pronunciation. RECORD the following words: RICOTTA, BRACIOLE, MANICOTTI, CALZONE, BISCOTTI, CIABATTA, BOLOGNESE, BOLOGNA |
task 4:
Che cosa vuol dire? Come si dice? Come si scrive? DISPENSA LINK EXERCISES 1 AND 3 From the song ARRIVEDERCI ROMA: write the words you recognized (find the link somewhere in one of the dispense you are reading today) |
task 5: based on previous material, ANSWER these questions and RECORD THEM: Dove sei nato-a? Quando e' il tuo compleanno? In che anno sei nato-a? Per gioco:
OROSCOPO. Tu di che segno sei?
task 6: oggi e domani, lezione 1 pagina 3 Record in a separate soundfile. FILENAME. nomeitaliano.14giugno.audio2 scroll down to the table that starts with the image of DAVID. read the words and add the correct COLOR ONLY IN THE SINGULAR (but, take a look and get familiar with the PLURAL forms as well) (no need to tell you to study the colors on this page, right? |
task 7: scritto: translate the question and answer in Italian: COME SI DICE "SOME TIMES"? |
non dimenticate il BLOG |
some for tomorrow