Fabio Girelli-Carasi



File name:  your-italian-name.3 ottobre (.doc  or  .docx  or  .rtf)

Email subject: compito 3 ottobre


We just finished the first month of work. Time to take a little break and review.

This week I am assigning only one written compito and one new video. However, I will ask that you review all the material and check the grammar videos embedded in the online course.


TASK 0:  ANSWER  Did you do at least part of the compito on your phone?

After analyzing lots of your work, I came to the conclusion that the cramped keyboard and small screen contribute significantly to many mistakes.

Take for instance the very frequent case of    < e > (no accent) instead of < e' >. Since you have to switch keyboards in order to type the ' mark, it's entirely possible that you skip it, maybe with the intention of going over it later.

In addition, the lack of a backspace button or cursors, makes it more difficult to correct errors, and everybody knows what happens when one is pressed for time. AND, in many cases it is obvious that the auto-complete function is left on, so you may correctly type "studente", but don't notice that the auto turns it back to "student". And if you don't review (hard to do on a small screen) the mistake stays there.

Your comment?

TASK 1:   initalianoweb   B3

DI DOV'E' (Marco Polo and other personages) ?   Rewrite the questions and give the CORRECT answers

Task 2    initalianoweb   B3

DOV'E' - DOVE SONO (locations) ?   Rewrite the questions and give the CORRECT answers (regions)

Task 3:        initalianoweb   B3

DOVE SI TROVA - DOVE SI TROVANO?  Rewrite the questions and give the  CORRECT answers

Task 4:        initalianoweb   B3

RECORD A VIDEO:    title: your Italian name, due date

Start with your name and due date.

There are 3 soundfiles on this page. Break the video down into 3 parts. ANSWER all  questions in each part. NO NEED TO ASK THE QUESTIONS.

TASK 5:      REVIEW ALL THE VIDEOS embedded in the course pages. For each video, leave a comment whether you found it useful. I WELCOME suggestions for improvements. The more the better.