Fabio Girelli-Carasi



 COMPITO   SCADENZA 12 settembre

File name:  your-italian-name.12settembre  (.doc  or  .docx  or  .rtf)

Email subject: compito 12 settembre


reminder:   FOR GRADE      NOT FOR GRADE
Task 0  at the top of the page, write your name and the due date, but write the date PER ESTESO (spelled out, not with digits), giorno mese e anno.
Task 1    for each item, copy the answer you gave for 4 settembre, then after researching, write the correct answer.


Write your answers below each item in BOLDFACE

1) What is the population of Italy, in millions?
2) What is the name of the two major Italian islands?
3) Name up to 5 Italian cities, using their ITALIAN NAMES (not the Anglicized version).
4) Approximately, how old is Rome's Colosseum?
5) Name (at least) one book by an Italian writer.
6) Name (at least) one italian film maker.
7) Name one famous tourist location -- NOT A CITY, but a natural feature, like a mountain, a cost line, a lake, river etc.
8) Name one famous monument or work of art such as painting, sculpture, building ON ITALIAN SOIL (skip the Colosseum).
9) What are the languages that are closest to Italian?
10) What (dead) language does Italian derive from?

BONUS: what percentage of Italian Americans are directly involved in the Mafia?

Task 2:    go to the playlist of videos I posted on youtube on Italian history/culture for another course. Some are first drafts that need review, others are unrehearsed remarks and notes. Pick one, watch it and write a short comment about ONE piece of information you found particularly interesting or new.


Task 3:  in your view what are 5 of the most recognizable iconic images of Italy or other Italian-related items? By this I mean: what are 5 things that  people may come across in the media and immediately think "Italy!"

TASK 4:   click the links below. Listen to each song without reading the words and make an effort to understand. Play it a few times and scribble down (for yourself) the words you recognize. The more you do it the better.

THEN:  for each song, using the subtitles or lyrics, identify ALL the verbs.
For each song, write the INFINITIVE form of the verb -- only once per verb -- in alphabetical order on a list.

Here are the songs: 

Ho in mente te   LINK   http://bcmedia.brooklyn.cuny.edu/modlang/fgc/CANZONI/CANZONI.HO.IN.MENTE.TE.wmv

E penso a te  LINK http://bcmedia.brooklyn.cuny.edu/modlang/fgc/CANZONI/e.penso.a.te.lauzi.wmv

Il ragazzo della via Gluck  LINK

TASK 4:    Here is your chance to become a sensation.

SING  e penso a te in a selfie video (it's ok if you read while you sing). Post it on youtube and copy the link in this space.