Fabio Girelli-Carasi  

  ITALIANO 1030 

COMPITO   SCADENZA 10 dicembre   File name:  your-italian-name.7novembre  (.doc or .docx  or  .rtf)

Email subject: compito 10 dicembre

1. IMPERFETTO spiegazione

Watch the videos and study.

TASK 1:  

IMPERFETTO spiegazione

after studying the imperfetto (watch the videos and read the explanation), do

ESERCIZIO 1, 2, 3.  (scroll down to the bottom of the page for the link to esercizi)

TASK 2     click HERE, and play the video.

Follow the directions on the page.


TASK 3   (do not turn this in with your compito, but do it anyway.)

3. imperfetto de gregori    
Una canzone per voi.  Not exactly a masterpiece, it's more like a "scherzo" musicale.

Again, play it several times to see how much you can understand without reading the text.