MLAN 1510

Prof. Fabio Girelli-Carasi

ASSIGNMENT 0  due July 12  8.00 PM

File name:   your-last-name.july12

Email subject:   assignment July 12

Task 1:   Confirm that you have accessed the course homepage and that you have read the instructions about the assignment format.

Task 2:      Confirm that you have accessed Blackboard; that you have read the preliminary requirements, and that you have complied with: 

1. initial email;

2. photo;

3. statement of responsibility.

Task 3:  Confirm that you read the warning on the homepage about email protocols and that you screened the video.
After you screen the video, write a comment on youtube with your name confirming you watched it.


Task 4:   Find the link to the Blog on the homepage. Add your 'Comment' to discussion 1.