Fabio Girelli-Carasi


Summer 2018

Lecture and Assignment JULY 30




  1. Introduction to La Divina Commedia     https://youtu.be/QO2MPVQsHes?list=PLB99716927DC94F0C
    Watch the first 10-12 minutes with the general introduction. You can skip the reading of Canto 1.
  2. Robert Pinske (at one point "poet laureate") talks about his work of Dante.   https://youtu.be/HByzmkqi4Ww


SCREEN:    The Languages of Italians



Filename: last-name.due-date  (.doc  .docx  .rtf)    DO NOT USE pages or google doc.

Email subject: assignment july 30

Task 1:   No need to summarize the plot. You can find probably 3 million outlines online.

Rather: concentrate on the FILM and identify, for fun, the BEST two or three special effects.


Don't copy the following text for your assignment

[Apparently this is the oldest feature-length film still in existence (1911).

This is the restored version (done by a specialized historical institute in Italy). They brought together 3 or 4 existing copies from all over the world and recreated the original (there are still missing pieces.)

I found an old English-subtitles version online (you can find it on my Blackboard). I took the English subtitles and spliced them onto the restored version (that has Italian subtitles.) I could not complete the work fully so, in some areas I had to add my translation of the Italian subtitles. The problem with the English version is that it probably was cut and edited from an incomplete version. The gist of it is that I spent an incredible amount of time doing this project and I am not happy with the way it turned out.]


Task 2:   Time to reflect: 

1) What were your expectations about the course's CONTENT before we started.

2) What were you thoughts / questions / curiosities after the first two weeks (try to reconstruct your mental process.) You can talk about it in terms of content; rational judgment (structure, quality of materials, clarity of objectives); or you can talk about "reader's response," the mix of rational and emotional reaction that comes at the end of any experience: satisfaction / disappointment; contentment / emptiness; dismissal / assimilation.

3) Are your expectations for the next phase HIGHER (you are ready for more and better) or do you expect things to proceed at the same level?

Two things you are not going to do: 1) address me directly; 2) mention the workload (too much, too little, just right.)

I am giving you only these writing tasks because I want you to have the time to write in depth, with examples, and with some (temporary) conclusions.

Task 3:   Download the grades record form, complete it accurately and return it attached with your July 30 assignment. FILENAME: change the file name to:   your-last-name.grades.july30

Download here

BLOG   Answer    Did you post your comments and replies?

Keep up with the blog discussions. At the end of the semester, you will compile your COMMENTS (not the replies) into one single document. ONLY COMMENTS THAT MET THE DEADLINES WILL BE ACCEPTED.