MLAN 2610
 ITAL 3610

Italian Literature in Translation

Prof. Fabio Girelli-Carasi

 Assignment 22    December 2


  • PINOCCHIO  (English)    Chapt 25 -- page 59 (yes, I know, the numeration is backward, from 127 to 1.)

NOMENCLATURE: this translation is a bit pedestrian. We will use the name of Italian characters as listed below.

Start reading as soon as you can. I bet you will be surprised by the content and mood of the book.


Mastro Cherry = OK
Geppetto = OK
Marionette = Burattino
Carabineer = Carabiniere
Talking Cricket = Grillo Parlante
Fire Eater = Mangiafuoco
Harlequin = Arlecchino
Blackbird = White Blackbird
Simple Simons = OK  (in Italian Barbagianni = simpletons)
Field of Wonders = Field of Miracles (campo dei miracoli)
Maiden = bambina
Maiden with Azure hair = Fatina/bambina dai capelli turchini


BLOG: If in the past you failed to keep up,
you still have a chance to improve your average by
posting comments in the last two weeks.

REMINDER: I will delete ALL late postings.


   WRITING   Answer very clearly. I want to understand where YOU come from.

1. Had you ever heard of Pinocchio before?

2. Did you know it was a book, before becoming a Disney film?

3) Did you have a generally favorable image of Pinocchio as a character.

4) Was this favorable impression based on the film? Did you watch the film?

5) What was your expectation when you started reading the book?

6) Did you like (generally speaking) Pinocchio before you started reading the book?

7) What is the first moment when you realized that there was something weird going on, compared to your expectations?

8) Did you begin to question your favorable disposition toward Pinocchio?

9) Did you like PInocchio's attitude toward Geppetto?

10) DId you like the character of the Grillo Parlante?

11) Did you like Pinocchio's rebellious, anarchic spirit?

12) Did the scene with Mangiafuoco and Pinocchio's fellow marionettes (breaking the 4th wall)
take you by surprise?

13 What is the creepiest moment in the book so far? Or is there more than one?

14) What is the appropriate age for children to read this book on their own (no supervision?)

15) Write a general review of the book up to this point.

16) Did you go beyond the assigned reading?