NOTES: Christ in Concrete


“Christ in Concrete” Part 1, Ch. 1

-Italian men working in construction, enjoyed each other’s company on the job

-Geremio the foreman, pregnant wife and 8 children at home to support

-Geremio wanted a son, had ‘American’ dreams for children to work

-set around Easter time, Geremio had saved up and bought house for family

-wife Annunziata questioned the danger of his work


Part 1, Ch. 2

-work very long, physically demanding for the men

-boss was mean and spoke down to men but Geremio held back anger, thought of family & future

-Geremio knew work was dangerous, unsafe conditions that could lead to accident, uneasy feelings

-floor broke apart, building supports crumbled and men were seriously injured

-chaos erupted, Geremio crushed under pile of debris and heavy beams

-last moments before death, Geremio thought of family and all of his responsibilities for them

-graphic imagery and explanation of how he died


Part 2, Ch. 1

-wives of men injured didn’t know, worried at home when husbands didn’t come home

-women frantic, didn’t have all information about who was injured and if anybody died

-Good Friday rituals at home interrupted by accident

-Annunziata incredibly worried, grief-stricken and so close to giving birth to child

-Holy Saturday and Easter passed, whole family in distress

-Geremio’s son, Paul, went to police to find out if they had heard from Geremio

-cops broke news about death, not sympathetic


Part 2, Ch. 2

-funeral for Geremio very emotional, children especially affected

-wife Annunziata now a widow, heartbroken from husband’s death

-home not the same after death, Paul incredibly affected

-friends reminisce about when Annunziata & Geremio first met, sad mood


Part 2, Ch. 3

-Annunziata very emotional, Paul worried about future for 8 children

-Annunziata incredibly in love with Geremio, expressed her sadness

-Paul took it upon self to save the family and gain strength to push forward

Part 2, Ch. 4

-Annunziata ready to give birth to unborn child, local women called to help out

-hopes were now for a boy to name Geremio after father

-birth smooth at first but then complications and scared feeling in the room

-baby ‘stuck,’ used iron instruments to complete birth

-gave birth to boy, named Geremio, sad and happy time for all but especially Annunziata

-neighbors gave best wishes but Annunziata still upset over husband’s death

-Annunziata acknowledged self as widow, especially worried about feeding and caring for 8 children

-Paul had moment with mother, emotionally explained how he would help the family out and work


Part 2, Ch. 5

-Luigi worried about money, work was constant but money was little

-Luigi injured on the job, stone fell on legs and he was taken to hospital for casts to be put on

-especially upset because stopped his being able to work and help out financially with family

-Paul visits and becomes upset at all unfortunate events happening to family

Part 2, Ch. 6

-Annunziata continued to worry about children

-begged God for strength to raise children on her own without husband

-food became an immediate problem, 10 mouths to feed including her own

-barely any bread or milk in house for newborn and other children, mother didn’t eat

-Paul left to find food somewhere, hoped for donations

-visited several stores, was turned down but told to visit Church and ask priest for food

-unable to get on welfare because Geremio technically not a citizen

-Paul went to Church, prayed for father to come back and life to go back to normal

-begged to see priest, eventually got a visit but no luck with food

-priest gave Paul small piece of cake, told him to go elsewhere for donations

-Dame Katarina helped out with small amount of food and money but still not enough

-Annunziata continuously had dreams of Geremio, went to window but Paul always stopped her


Part 2, Ch. 7

-Paul desperate to find work to support family

-came across father’s old construction tools, decided to look for similar work

-approached men working at site, men gave him some food

-Nazone was particularly kind to Paul, gave him extra food & scolded men for being so cheap

-spoke about working and how Paul was too young & small

-Nazone promised he would see Paul become a bricklayer, took him under his wing

-Paul worked closely with him, learned how to lay bricks and work like his father

-Nazone asked Paul to be his godson, he accepted and they became very friendly

-hours long, body aches incredibly painful but Paul very happy to be working

-despite opposition from other men Paul worked every day and looked past physical pain

-Paul very excited to be working, told Annunziata all about it, she secretly prayed for him

-payday came around, Paul nervous and only received $5, barely enough to help family


Part 2, Ch. 8

-Paul’s Uncle Luigi still in hospital, awoke in pain and called for doctor

-leg became worse, had to be amputated and Luigi was terrified

-Luigi afraid of death, cried to Annunziata and Paul

-amputation successful, Luigi alive and healthier yet saddened and upset

-Annunziata and Paul went to church, had memories of Geremio

-Paul walking on eggshells at work, always yelled at when he made mistakes

-Paul the butt of many jokes of the men yet he persevered and forced himself to work

-body aches and pains worsened, unable to sleep at night, barely able to work

-Nazone fought for Paul to get paid more, Paul begged Mr. Rinaldi for more $$

-Mr. Rinaldi claimed he was unable to help, told Paul that was ‘how the world worked’

-Paul sobbed to Annunziata, physically exhausted and became so ill that mom called for doctor

-doctor ordered rest, food and exercise but Annunziata overwhelmed and concerned


Part 3, Ch. 1

-Paul spent time at home resting and regaining strength, didn’t work for a while

-watched children in the street, slept on fire escape, relaxed at home with Annunziata

-Nazone visited, brought food and money to help out family while Paul sick, out of work

-described life in his tenement building, different families and situations

-living quarters cramped, each floor distinct with scents, families, specifics of living

-Paul described friendly older neighbor woman, teenage girl who tried to seduce him

-thought of all people in tenement as victims of work yet children of Christ


Part 3, Ch. 2

-Paul & Annunziata visited Luigi in hospital, spirits were light and they enjoyed company

-Luigi had lice, tried to hide it especially in front of nurse he liked very much

-Annunziata received letter from Compensation Bureau regarding Geremio’s death

-nervous, unknown feeling about what was to come, if things would change for the better

-Annunziata unsure of how to get answers and communicate with poor English skills

-other widows received letter, spoke of how they expected Court to do what was right


Part 3, Ch. 3

-Paul and Annunziata went to visit ‘the Cripple,’ old woman who communicates with the dead

-woman’s home very strange, other people waiting to be seen, uncomfortable feelings

-woman able to speak with Geremio, Paul and Annunziata excited and happy

-Geremio apparently equally excited to make contact with family, love still there

-says he’s very happy, good things will come for family, very proud of Paul stepping up


Part 3, Ch. 4

-Paul’s eyes wandered to Gloria, neighborhood girl who was desirable to men

-Paul nervous, uncomfortable, unsure of how to speak with her

-noticed Jewish neighbor family, incident occurred where one son was bullied by local kids

-fight broke out, Jewish boy unharmed, he and Paul began to speak

-curious about each other, joined Louis in his home to get to know each other better

-spoke of immigrant experiences, family past, deaths of close family members

-two boys formed a connection with each other


Part 3, Ch. 5

-Annunziata and children went to Compensation Bureau, unsure of what was to come

-many poor families in building, confusing signs and chaos in various offices

-Annunziata finally called, presented before judge and Geremio’s bosses from the job

-spoke of the accident, foreman lied about safety measures and blamed Geremio for own death

-Paul spoke out in father’s defense, very angry with what he was hearing

-foreman stereotyped Italians as careless, lazy, unsafe, bad listeners

-Annunziata approached foreman, fought for Geremio but man very cold and uninterested

-family left confused, didn’t know what was to come after meeting with Bureau


Part 4, Ch. 1

-family went to cemetery to visit Geremio’s grave, emotional day with other widows

-old friend approached them, learned of Paul’s working, said he’d help get him work with much better pay, work with him

-Paul excited about new opportunity

-Paul & Louis spoke of death, belief in God, schooling


Part 4, Ch. 2

-work so rough, takes huge toll on body, soul and spirit

-Paul became adjusted to work but still felt physical pain, body still trying to adjust


Part 4, Ch. 3

-Luigi released from hospital, was to live with Annuziata and family

-said goodbyes to female nurse he fancied, sad yet happy to leave hospital

-party at house held to celebrate Luigi being home, showed everyone his amputated leg

-open to questions, seemed to accept his situation


Part 4, Ch. 4

-Paul going to work made Luigi sad because he couldn’t join him, still adjusting to loss of leg

-Luigi upset to see Paul so physically exhausted, feelings of guilt and giving up

-Luigi began embroidery with the women to pass time and make small amount of $$

-began noticing Cola, admired her and started developing feelings for her


Part 4, Ch. 5

-harsh winter made working conditions especially hard for the men, barely able to work

-after work men drank wine, relaxed, spoke about life and work, no education, women

-drunken activities turned to looking for women, binding Nazone to fake cross like Jesus

-Nazone pleaded, embarrassed in front of all men, humiliated


Part 4, Ch. 6

-family in Christmas season, celebrated together, went to Church, all happy


Part 4, Ch. 7

-Paul began showing signs of puberty, growing bigger and stronger, able to work better

-Nazone always kept Paul under his wing, close relationship

-one day noticed Nazone acting strange, found out he contracted an STD, embarrassed


Part 4, Ch. 8

-Nazone continued to be embarrassed, distanced self from Paul

-Paul decided to work elsewhere at bigger, busier job

-continued to struggle with thinking about women, sexuality, sexual maturity

-began thinking heavily about Gloria, bumped into her and ended up in her home

-nervous, watched her and admired her but very quiet while she was with family

-family happy to see Paul, sexual tension drove Paul to feel wrong, ran away scared


Part 4, Ch. 9

-Paul started new job, excited yet nervous

-job very fast-paced, busy

-reality of getting hurt like Geremio came into Paul’s mind, afraid of dangerous situation

-kept danger a secret from Annunziata, didn’t want to worry her


Part 4, Ch. 10

-new job busy, award offered for best worker, all men on tip of their toes hoping to receive it

-Paul ended up winning, felt sense of pride and happiness for hard work

-everybody congratulated him, he paid close attention to rich corporation owners who issued award


Part 4, Ch. 11

-Luigi and Cola got married, he was so in love with her, unlikely couple yet likely at same time

-huge celebration at Annunziata’s home, party lasted for hour, food and drink kept coming

-everybody had great time, party kept going, dancing Tarantella, overall happiness

-Luigi wore fake leg for wedding day to make Cola happy

-through happiness Annunziata still longed for Geremio, longed for his love again

-Jewish neighbor Louie and his brother joined in festivities


Part 5, Ch. 1

-1929 Great Depression hit, many men lost jobs but Paul lucky enough to keep his for a while

-Paul & Annunziata went back to the ‘Cripple’ to speak with Geremio

-Geremio promised all would be well despite Depression, life will get better soon for all family


Part 5, Ch. 2

-Nazone lost job, begged Paul for help to get him a job where Paul works

-spoke of wanting to be home with family, spend time in Italy and be happy

-Nazone got job but one day wanted to skip it and enjoy beautiful weather

-Paul objected, almost missed work trying to get Nazone to change his mind but they worked

-at work Nazone in a daze, not fully paying attention, dreaming of being free from work

-resulted in accident, Nazone died when he fell off of scaffolding and onto the ground

-Paul devastated, foreman insisted they all go back to work after body cleared up

-Paul ran home, told Annunziata, spoke of Geremio’s death and overall sadness overcame them

-Paul had nightmare about the deaths, his job, his family, Paul himself dying

-elaborate explanation about the dream, very detailed description

-Paul told Annunziata Geremio never coming back, broke her heart even more

Part 5, Ch. 3

-Annunziata begged Paul to not return to work, devastated and scared

-Paul went anyway, she was very emotional and especially concerned about Paul

-she noticed him growing up, continuing to work, hard for her to adjust

-afraid of dangers of work, Paul dying like Geremio and Nazone

-Paul lashed out in emotion at Annunziata, spoke of Geremio, Paul’s disbelief in God


Part 5, Ch. 4

-Annunziata severely affected by episode with Paul, health declined

-Annunziata dreamed about Geremio, dancing the Tarantella and being happy again

-Paul begged her to live, to see children grow and continue her life with the family

-in her last moments Annunziata held Paul closely and told the children to follow him in the future