Fabio Girelli-Carasi
COMPITO quattordici maggio duemila ventuno
COMPITO: ======================= Task 1 WRITING DO NOT COPY ANY PART OF THIS TABLE. Copy-type each input and write your answer next to it. Obviously you have to conjugate the verb in the appropriate person and use the appropriate ARTICLE in front of the noun (the thing) these people do. CHECK THE MODEL AND FOLLOW IT ESERCIZIO: CHE COSA FA? IL LAVORO use wordreference.com to find the words
========== Task 2 WRITING CLICK THIS LINK. In this dispensa you will find a list of names of historically important Italian personages, artists and scientists. Do a google search and write what each one does as a profession. The article MUST match the gender of the person. =========================== TASK 3 record a youtube video. 1) Set the video as UNLISTED. 2) Allow comments. 3) TITLE: your Italian name and DATE IN ITALIAN (day number, month spelled out.) ======================= Each task must be executed in ONE TAKE, no interruptions or edting. Part 1 of your video: See COMPITO 7 maggio, task 4: read the list of all words ending with -E. Continue re-reading the words preceded by the DEFINITE ARTICLE Continue re-reading the words IN THE PLURAL form, preceded by the PLURAL DEFINITE ARTICLE.
Part 2 of your video: refer back to TASK 3 due today. READ your answers from the written compito (ex. Andrea Bocelli fa il cantante.) =============================== CLICK THIS LINK to download the COMPITO TEMPLATE |