C’è un grande prato verde
Dove nascono speranze
Che si chiamano ragazzi
Quello è il grande prato dell’amore


UNO: Non tradirli mai,
Hanno fede in te.

TWO: Non li deludere,
Credono in te.

TRE:  Non farli piangere,
Vivono in te.

QUATTRO: Non li abbandonare,
Ti mancheranno.

Quando avrai le mani stanche tutto lascerai,
Per le cose belle
Ti ringrazieranno,
Soffriranno per li errori tuoi.

E tu ragazzo non lo sai,
Ma nei tuoi occhi c’è già lei,
Ti chiederà l’amore, ma
L’amore ha I suoi comandamenti.
UNO, Non tradirla mai,
Ha fede in te.

DUE, Non la deludere,
Lei crede in te.

TRE, Non farla piangere,
Vive per te.

QUATTRO Non l’abbandonare,
Ti mancherà.

E la sera cercherà fra le braccia tue
Tutte le promesse,
Tutte le speranze,
Per un mondo d’amore
There is a great green meadow
where hopes are born
their name is "youths"
that is the great meadow of love.

ONE: don't you ever betray them
they have faith in you.

TWO: don't disappoint them,
they believe in you.

THREE: don't make them cry.
The live in you.

FOUR: don't abandon them
you will miss them.

When your hands will be tired and you will give up everything
for the beautiful things
they will thank you
and they will suffer for your mistakes.

And you, young man, you don't know
but in your eyes she is already there
she will ask for your love
but love has its own commendments:

ONE: never betray her
she has faith in you

TWO: don't disappoint her
she believes in you

THREE: don't make her cry
she lives for you

FOUR: don't leave her
you will miss her.

And at night she will look in your arms
all the promises
all the hopes
of  a world of love