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Course Description

This summer session will be an open studio based model in which students will complete digital art projects modeled on work by established fine artists who use digital tools. By using existing work as a guide, the class wil not only gain skills using a range of tools, but will also question the application of specific technology to specific undertakings. Class time will be used to show works in progress, ask questions, get and give feedback, view examples, and work on images, websites, and videos in class. There will be opportunities for both individual and collaborative projects.

Course Objectives

· to analyze art made with digital tools
· to develop the skills necessary to conceptualize and organize a project
· to learn software skills
· to develop an understanding of how different technologies can be combined
· to learn image editing and compositing skills
· to learn to edit digital video
· to learn to composite digital video


The course presupposes a proficiency with the Macintosh environment. Please see me if you feel you need review.

Course Requirements

Attendance Policy

Because we have extended classtime to work on projects, you are expected to attend all sessions. Technical discussions will happen as needed, but in general I tend to cover procedures during the first hour of each class session. If you must miss a class, please let me know in advance.


1 or 2 Flash Drives or Portable Hard Drive for file storage

Texts and other Resources

The Language of New Media, by Lev Manovich

Photoshop CS4, Digital Quickstart Guide by Elaine Weinmann and Peter Lourekas

Dreamweaver CS4, Digital Quickstart Guide by Tom Negrino and Dori Smith

Getting Started with Motion by Mary Plummer

Final Cut Pro 7 by Lisa Brennais

All books are available at amazon.com.

Grading Policy

All work must be submitted for critique and/or grading on the date due. Late assignments will be graded down 1 letter grade. FINAL GRADES for this class will be based upon the following:

1. overall quality of assignments both in idea and execution (60%)

2. participation in class discussions and critiques (25%)

3. effort and attendance (15%)

The grading of art assignments can be a subjective process. There are, however, guidelines which I will be using to determine grades:

A Student explored, researched, experimented, learned and was fully involved in the class and with all aspects of his/her work. He/she produced excellent work that was some of the best in class.

B Student satisfied assignments, but lacked full involvement and inspiration. Work was good, but not among the best in class.

C Student satisfied assignments with some effort, but with problems in aesthetics, resolution, understanding of ideas, or satisfactory manipulation of the material. Work was adequate.

D Student turned in incomplete or poorly executed assignments. If completed, work was not as good as most students in the class.

F Student failed to turn in work or if it was turned in it was incomplete or very poorly executed. If completed, work was inadequate.