5th Century Athens: |
a world between two wars |
ca 1150 |
Fall of Mycenae and disappearance of palace culture |
ca 1150-800 |
so-called Dark-Age of Greece
8th century |
750-490 |
Archaic Period
560-46 |
Croesus, Lydian king, gains hegemony over Greek Ionian poleis |
546 |
Cyrus the Great conquers Lydia; Greek Ionian poleis fall under his control. |
546-510 |
Athens ruled by a powerful elite family, the Peisistratids. |
510 |
The last of the Peisistratids, Hippias, is overthrown. |
Factions/strife in Athens between oligarchic and democratic factions led by elite families. |
499-494 |
499 |
Ionian cities chafing under Persian supported tyrannies; sent embassies to mainland Greece seeking support in effort to throw off Persian control; Athenians and Eretrians (Euboia) sent military aid; burned Sardis and returned home. |
Persian counterattack crushed the revolt; Miletos sacked in 494 |
490-479 |
490 |
Darius dispatched naval expedition to punish the Athenians: Persians defeated at MARATHON |
490-480 |
480 |
Persian naval and infantry expedition led by Xerxes faced by alliance of 31 Greek poleis
478 |
Greek coalition continued as naval alliance aimed at driving out Persian outposts; Athens shortly given the lead: she provided the ships and rowers, most of the other members of the league provided the money (tribute) to support the fleet. |
459 |
Goal of the league met; Athens, however, financially dependent on league and tribute. |
461-429 |
Periklean Athens
431-404 |
431 |
Athens interferes with allies of Corinth; Peloponnesian war begins |
430 -28 |
Plague: crippling loss of men and resources, coupled with losses in war and philosophical critique of traditional beliefs and values called into question the Athenians' confidence in their relationship with the gods, which had been the underpinning of the league since the victories at Marathon and Salamis. |
404 |
Sparta defeats Athens; long walls are torn down |
Some of the issues sparked by the 5th century Greek/Athenian experience, which we will see brought to public forum in tragedy, comedy, oratory, and philosophy: |