Organizational Meanings

Orientational Meanings

Presentational Meanings

Basic and General:

What recognizable actors or participants in processes and relationships are presented? persons? other animate or quasi-animate actants? concrete things? abstract ideas, qualities, concepts, processes and relationships as things?

What quantities, qualities, types or category memberships, and degrees of these are attributed to participants, etc.?

What relationships are presented as existing (past, present, future, conditional, contrafactual) among these participants? In what common or shared processes, activities, actions, events, happenings are they presented?

What are the locations, settings, conditions for, causes of, modes and manners of, temporal locations for, durations of, and other circumstances attending or modifying these relationships and processes, as presented, represented, implied, created or presupposed?

Are the processes, circumstances and relationships presented as permanent, changing, new/recent, long-standing, sudden, stable, persistent, habitual, repetitive? and how?

How are processes, circumstances, and relationships synchronized or sequenced in time? on what timescales are they presented as typically enduring or changing?

What logical relationships among processes and relationships of participants are presented? How does one presuppose or enable another? add to, deviate from, restate, expand upon, or modify its meaning?

What categories of similar, contrasting, or identical meaning are created by the variety of participants and processes in the text/artifact? how are members of the same or contrasting categories distributed spatially, textually, and temporally in/ through the text/artifact?

If there are chains or patterns of distribution of members of such categories, what typical or recurring relationships between their members (including co-participation in the same process or relationship) are presented in the text/artifact? what relationships are constructed between larger or whole patterns?

Advanced or Specialized:

How are the presentational meanings of visual-graphical elements modified by their organizational relationships to textual elements? and vice-versa? (e.g. disambiguated, more delicately specified, made polysemic, etc.)

What information is presented redundantly between visual-graphical elements and textual elements? what is presented only in one mode or the other? what is presented only jointly between both modes?

Organizational Meanings

Orientational Meanings